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Fox News Business slapped with sexual harassment accusations; anchor suspended
Another host at Fox News has been suspended after being accused of sexual harassment Wednesday. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Fox News Business slapped with sexual harassment accusations; anchor suspended

Fox News is being hit with more allegations of sexual harassment as Fox News Business host Charles Payne is suspended while the network investigates the accusations against him.

Payne hosts the "Making Money" show concentrating on politics and the stock market. Fox News announced that he was being suspended after his show Wednesday.

The Fox News host had admitted to a three-year "romantic relationship" with a "married female political analyst" to the National Enquirer. In the statement, he apologized to his wife and children.

Huffington Post reporter Yashar Ali reported that the woman was Scottie Nell Hughes, a frequent cable news guest and defender of President Donald Trump.

"Former CNN Commentator Scottie Nell Hughes has accused Fox Business host Charles Payne of sexual harassment," he tweeted.

"In a statement to Enquirer, Payne apologized for having an affair w/ an unnamed political commentator," he said. "That commentator is Hughes."

According to the Los Angeles Times, Payne was suspended after Fox News' law firm was contacted by the woman, identified as Hughes by Huffington Post, saying that she had been blackballed from the network when she stopped the affair with Payne.

“We take issues of this nature extremely seriously and have a zero tolerance policy for any professional misconduct," Fox News' statement read.  "This matter is being thoroughly investigated and we are taking all of the appropriate steps to reach a resolution in a timely manner.”

The cable news network has been reeling from multiple sexual harassment lawsuits resulting in the resignation of various executives and on-air talent. Fox News is also fighting a lawsuit of discrimination on the basis of race by former and current employees.

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.