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We need more idiot control' not more gun control, Republican senator tells CNN
U.S. Sen. John Kennedy (R-Louisiana) said America needs "more idiot control" as opposed to more gun control laws in the wake of the deadly mass shooting at a Florida high school earlier this month. (Image source: YouTube screenshot)

We need more idiot control' not more gun control, Republican senator tells CNN

U.S. Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) said America needs "more idiot control" as opposed to more gun control laws in the wake of the deadly mass shooting at a Florida high school earlier this month.

"I don't think we need more gun control laws," Kennedy told CNN Tuesday.

"Not a single one?" host John Berman asked.

"No. I think we need more idiot control," Kennedy answered, referring to mass shooters who don't suffer from mental illnesses. The senator added, "There's an assumption that [Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz is] mentally ill. I don't know that, so I will call him an idiot."

Kennedy also said, "I happen to believe there is evil in the world."

What is the solution?

Berman asked Kennedy that if no more gun control laws are needed, then what tool is available to keep guns out of killers' hands?

"We have the tools in place," Kennedy responded. "They're not being implemented ... the NICS database has holes big enough to drive a Mack truck through."

More from CNN:

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Connecticut, have proposed legislation, known as the Fix NICS bill, aimed at improving federal and states' reporting to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. But the bill was blocked Monday night from consideration and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has said it doesn't go far enough.

Kennedy told the network that while he supports the "spirit" of the bill, "I just don't think it is gonna do anything."

Why does Kennedy believe the Fix NICS bill won't accomplish anything?

Kennedy told CNN the bill says federal employees — in order to encourage their compliance with the NICS — should be told that "if you don't start doing your job, we're going to take away your bonuses."

"Why the hell are they getting bonuses to begin with?" a perturbed Kennedy asked.

He added that the bill indicates states should be told "pretty please" comply with the NICS and "we might give you more money, we'll give you a leg up on getting grants."

"That's not going to accomplish anything," he said.

Kennedy also noted that President Donald Trump should tell federal agencies to fire employees who don't do their jobs with respect to reporting to the NICS rather than give them incentives to do their jobs.

"They already have an incentive to do their job," Kennedy told CNN. "It's called a job."

He also said governors who "talk about the need to do something ... can start by making sure their states are cooperating with the database."

Here's a clip of the CNN interview with Kennedy. The senator makes his "idiot control" comment just after the 2:30 mark:

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Dave Urbanski

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