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Nick Sandmann's lawyer announces serious action against Nathan Phillips
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Nick Sandmann's lawyer announces serious action against Nathan Phillips

Consequences incoming

An attorney representing Nick Sandmann, the 16-year-old student from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky who became the center of political controversy last month, have announced legal action against Nathan Phillips, the Native American man who Sandmann and his classmates were accused of mocking.

What are the details?

Atlanta-based lawyer L. Lin Wood, who is known for winning defamation cases, told LifeSiteNews that Phillips will be sued for his "lies and false accusations" against Sandmann and the Covington students, which he said are "well documented."

Wood said the first round of lawsuits would be filed within two weeks.

Sandmann's legal team sent legal notices to more than 50 journalists, media personalities, Hollywood celebrities, media organizations, and Catholic organizations on Feb 1, notifying them that they could potentially be sued for defaming Sandmann. Those entities, the lawyers allege, propagated a false narrative that accused Sandmann and Covington students of mocking Native Americans in Washington, D.C., last month.

In the letters, the lawyers requested any evidence pertaining to Sandmann, Covington, and the overall incident be preserved for future use in legal proceedings.

On the onset, the list of potential legal targets was set at 54. But Wood told LifeSiteNews that number "continues to grow," explaining Sandmann's team of lawyers is "in the process of sending formal written retraction demands in conformity with statutes in states in which litigation may be filed."

Wood further confirmed on social media Friday that Phillips "will be sued."

Anything else?

Woods also confirmed the Diocese of Covington continues to investigate the Washington incident involving Covington students, although he does not know why.

He told LifeSiteNews:

We have no idea why the investigation by the Diocese has not been concluded but we are confident that any objective review of the evidence will conclude that Nick did nothing wrong. Nick remained calm and well-mannered despite being confronted by an activist beating a drum within inches of his face while chanting loudly. Nick did not utter one word except to quietly urge a classmate to refrain from making any comments that might aggravate the situation created by Phillips and the Black Hebrew Israelites.

Wood released a 14-minute video last week showing the narrative arc of the Covington controversy, beginning with the disinformation campaign parroted by the mainstream media to the actual truth of what happened on the steps of the Lincoln Monument.

Nick Sandmann: The Truth in 15 Minuteswww.youtube.com

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Chris Enloe

Chris Enloe

Staff Writer

Chris Enloe is a staff writer for Blaze News
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