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Liberal websites accuse Trump of wanting 'Red Square/North Korea-style parade
A Russian Yars RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile system drives during the Victory Day military parade in Moscow on May 9, 2015. Photo credit /AFP/Getty Images

Liberal websites accuse Trump of wanting 'Red Square/North Korea-style parade

The liberal website the Huffington Post claims that, according to an unnamed military source, the U.S. military shot down plans that were floated by President-elect Trump's transition team that would have made the inaugural much more of a military ceremony.

According to HuffPo, the source said that the people on the transition team “were legit thinking Red Square/North Korea-style parade,” with missile launchers and tanks rolling down Pennsylvania Ave., similar to Cold War marches by communist-run states where leaders ostentatiously paraded around massive weapons as a show of force to their enemies — and their own citizenry.

According to the Huffington Post, the military allegedly shot down Trump's request because of obvious problems with the optics and concern about damage to D.C. roads.

Huffpo spoke to a Department of Defense official who agreed that the reasoning was sound, saying, “I could absolutely see structural support being a reason. D.C. is built on a swamp to begin with.” Other than this unnamed alleged defense department source, the Huffington Post did not offer any evidence supporting their claims. Popular liberal website and media influencer TalkingPointsMemo also published the allegation, based exclusively on the reporting from Huffington Post.

According to the Huffington Post, the Pentagon did agree to a military flyover with 20 planes:

The Air Force plans to fly four fighter jets: an F-35, an F-16, an F-22 and an F-15E. The Navy will fly four F/A-18 combat jets. The Army will fly four UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters. The Marines will fly four V-22 Ospreys. And the Coast Guard, which is still finalizing plans, is looking at flying four MH-65 rescue helicopters, Davis said. The number and type of planes used could change, depending on Friday’s weather, he added.

Ed. Note: This post has been modified from its original form. TheBlaze cannot verify that the allegations set forth by Huffington Post are true, and the original facts as set forth in the story did not meet our editorial standards for sourcing of material for publication. Pending further confirmation from a more reliable source, the allegations are just that: unfounded allegations from known liberal publications. 

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.