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Rapper 'Bow Wow' tweets unbelievably obscene threat to Melania Trump
Rap artist Bow Wow tweeted a violent threat about first lady Melania Trump on Wednesday. (Image Source: YouTube Video)

Rapper 'Bow Wow' tweets unbelievably obscene threat to Melania Trump

Rap artist Bow Wow, whose real name is Shad Moss, tweeted an unbelievably obscene threat to first lady Melania Trump in reference to President Donald Trump's response to his rap colleague Snoop Dogg Wednesday.

The tweet read, "Ayo @realDonaldTrump shut your punk a** up talking s*** about my uncle @SnoopDogg before we pimp your wife and make her work for us."

Rap artist Bow Wow threatened first lady Melania Trump in a tweet Wednesday. Image Source: Twitter.

The feud between the rap musicians and Trump began when Snoop Dogg released a controversial scene of his mock execution of a clown that appeared to look like the president. Trump responded Wednesday morning on his social media account by assailing what he saw as a double standard in the media.

"Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @SnoopDogg," read the tweet, "failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!"

The video from Snoop Dogg elicited a lot of criticism including that of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fl.), who is himself an avid rap listener, and Glenn Beck, who said the entire world would have been undone if anyone had done that to former President Obama.

Fellow rap artist and actor Ice-T pushed back against the comparison of Trump to Obama, saying that the current president elicits such mockery because he acts like a clown, whereas Obama was a "smooth character."

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.