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The media's hilarious overreaction to Trump's satire video shows liberals cannot handle being made fun of
Sarah Silbiger/Consolidated News Photos/Bloomberg via Getty Images

The media's hilarious overreaction to Trump's obvious satire video shows that liberals cannot handle being made fun of

'What, can't you take a joke?'

I am not a Republican anymore, but I spent most of my life as one, and part of the deal when you're a Republican is that you get made fun of by Hollywood and the media. A lot. If you're a Christian, or conservative, or support Republican politicians, you can expect more or less nonstop ribbing from late-night talk shows, comedians, "Saturday Night Live," and the like. And if you get upset about it, people will wag their finger at you and ask, "What, can't you take a joke?"

I think, as a result of that, that most conservatives have learned to laugh at themselves and take the occasional joke at their expense (if, at least, it's truly funny).

Of course, the flip side of that is that liberals hardly ever get made fun of. So when it happens, they are really bad at handling it. There is a reason that alleged fact-checking site Snopes fact checks the Babylon Bee at least eight times as often as they fact check The Onion. And furthermore there's a reason that when they do fact check the Babylon Bee, they never fact check one of their satire pieces that goes after a conservative, only the pieces that go after liberals. And if any group of liberals is especially unable to take a joke at their expense, it is the media, who generally have the most inflated sense of self-importance of any group of people on planet earth.

So it is with this video that President Trump's Twitter account tweeted yesterday. Here is the video, if you've not yet seen it.

The video, in case you haven't seen it, is an obvious satire of CNN's increasingly unhinged coverage of the Trump administration, and their even more increasingly unhinged chyrons. The video shows a small black child appearing to run from a white one, and shows the caption, "TERRIFIED TODDLER RUNS FROM RACIST BABY." As the "chase" continues, the chyron changes to, "RACIST BABY PROBABLY A TRUMP VOTER." Get it? It's obviously a joke. Even CNN knows that toddlers can't vote. It's funny, especially if you've been watching CNN the last few years.

As the video continues, it shows a longer clip providing context, showing that the "racist" baby isn't even chasing the other baby, but in fact they are playing peacefully together, and the message is that the media twists facts to make them look bad for Trump. Which is, at times, true.

Now look, no one really thinks that CNN ran a clip calling a toddler "racist" with the caption "RACIST BABY PROBABLY A TRUMP VOTER." If anyone is confused as to whether this might have been real or not, then that's probably more of an indictment on whoever has been running the chyrons at CNN lately than it is on the Trump campaign.

But this obvious joke sent the media into full-on freak-out mode. CNN tweeted its super serious response scolding the president for making fun of them, and the rest of the media followed suit.

They even prevailed upon Twitter to flag the tweet, and then proudly trumpeted their work at saving people from Trump's oh-so-dangerous lies.

I guess these people do not understand that doing stuff like this only makes Trump stronger. Reasonable people watched this video and immediately got the joke. Reacting this way makes the media obviously look defensive and sensitive. It is facially obvious from just the way they are reacting that Trump touched a nerve, and that makes people wonder, "why?"

The dumb excuse the media and fact checkers always use in this circumstance is to point out that some people either did or might have thought that this satire was real. The implication here is that only conservatives are fooled by satire. It's not true. I can't count the number of times my liberal friends have confidently stated that something they heard on "Saturday Night Live" or "The Tonight Show" is a fact when it was actually an obvious joke. Some small percentage of people are always suckered by satire because they're only paying half attention to what's going on, etc. The closer the satire is to the mark the higher the chances are.

But that doesn't mean that the satire is a lie or is malicious or is somehow inappropriate. Learn to take a joke, media. And realize that you aren't half as important as you think you are.

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