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Levin: 'Collectivism, socialism, Marxism ... it's deadly'

Levin: 'Collectivism, socialism, Marxism ... it's deadly'

Wednesday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin called out the GOP for neglecting its defense of free-market capitalism.

"One of the problems we have here is the absolute inability of elected Republicans, and even conservatives/Republicans on television and radio, to discuss free-market capitalism. In fact, some of them trash it now. 'We're all populists now.' 'We're all nationalists now.' No, I'm not, I'm a constitutional conservative. We seem to have difficulty explaining capitalism. Why is that? The Left doesn't have any problem discussing socialism. They may not label it socialism, but they're proud about redistribution of wealth. ... They're very, very articulate in their tyranny. Tell me, who's articulate about liberty?"


Yet without capitalism to produce wealth, Levin explained, socialism has nothing to redistribute.

"Listen to the Democrat debates: Attacking wealth. Attacking success. Attacking corporations. Well, if we didn't allow the creation of wealth and success and corporations, we'd be a disastrous country! And nobody articulates it!" Levin said. "We're in an anti-industrial, de-industrial revolution now."

Yet American ingenuity feeds America and the rest of the world, Levin said, pointing to the invention of the refrigerator, among other conveniences of the modern, free society.

"Collectivism, socialism, Marxism, call it whatever you want. This 'ism' — it's deadly," Levin said. "We'll starve to death. We'll go without health care. They can paint all the pictures they want. Look at the people! The propagandists and the demagogues who are promoting it. They haven't created a damn thing. They haven't hired a damn person!"

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