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This might be the best thing to look forward to in 2020

This might be the best thing to look forward to in 2020

For those of us already weary from the 2018 midterms (and maybe with some leftover exhaustion from 2016), the thought of jumping back into a presidential election cycle early next year is, well, nothing short of absolutely dreadful.

But there will be at least one silver lining to look forward to during the primaries.

A story over at Roll Call details how potential 2020 Democratic primary contenders like former Vice President Joe Biden and Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Cory Booker, D-N.J.,  are already planning some forays into critical battleground territories outside their home turfs in places like Nevada, Ohio, and South Carolina.

This primary race is going to make some great television, folks. Here’s why:

In case anyone forgot in the midterm fog, the 2020 Democratic primary will mean politicians who have so far built their political brands on things like far-left open borders policies (and twisting the history of the Founding to push them); attacking a member of the intelligence community for doing her job after 9/11; all-out socialized medicine; grandstandingly comparing oneself to Spartacus; calling oneself Native American; and insinuating that Christian beliefs disqualifiy someone from an executive branch appointment are going to have to at least try to make their case to folks outside their leftist/liberal strongholds.

Think about it: Kamala Harris trying to sell amnesty policies to voters in Iowa or South Carolina; Elizabeth Warren trying to get past her Native American DNA fail to actual Native Americans in Arizona; Cory Booker trying to get past the “Spartacus” routine in Iowa.

And some of them are going to have a very hard time when they realize just how far-left policies, anti-Trump resistance tactics, and brazen identity politics actually play outside their deep-blue stomping grounds.

It’s going to be like a political hybrid of MTV’s “Road Rules” and Billy Crystal’s 1991 comedy classic “City Slickers.” That is, it’s going to be spectacular.

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