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UFO or shipwreck? Your best guesses

UFO or shipwreck? Your best guesses

Scientists have found something huge lying on the bottom of the sea between Sweden and Finland (presumably in the Baltic Sea, though the location is being kept secret). Our front page editor Jon Seidlwrote about it this morning. The object is described as a "60-meter diameter cylinder-shaped object, with a rigid tail 400 meters long." That's a sonar picture of it to the right.

At the end of his story, Seidl asked BLAZE readers if they had "any theories" as to what it might be. Here are some of your best guesses so far...

"It’s the ocean's drain plug, good God man, don’t pull on it!"-- RON2WIN

"It’s a basalt column from an old volcano. It was buried under the sea when the dinosaurs consumed too much fossil fuel. The ‘fossils’, back then, being the remains of an old human species. Now back to work kiddies."-- THEPOSTMAN

"Thats one big horsescrab!!! 196+Feet!!!"-- NOWWHATTIMEISIT (I assume he meant "horseshoe crab.")

A sophomoric yet funny conversation...

"She wears undies? No, wait…we, the insignificant, have underwear. She, and the elite have lingerie. Boy, now I’m really pissed!!!" VAPATRIOT2. To which RICKFROMILLINOIS responded, "I think you are responding to the wrong article." BIFF MARUPIS closed the conversation with, "Nah…he‘s probably on the right article but thinking they bury Michelle’s underwear at sea after she wears them." (VAPATRIOT2 actually meant to comment on a separate story posted this morning by Scott Baker).

"I’m not saying this is true, but I’ve seen on TV alien spaceship that land in the water. This could be a parking place for one. The last picture looks like Jesus’s face on the shroud."-- VONNIE

"Geeeze, get real, it is of course the Mother ship, waiting for December 21, 2012 … if you follow my drift. Now where did I leave my tin foil hat at?"-- TWOLAZY

"I think its an Occupy encampment gone terribly wrong... or maybe right... depending on your intelligence."-- LITTLEFISH

"It can be only one thing: Swamp gas reflecting the light of Venus…or maybe Chinese lanterns…"-- G8TRDONE

"This may be hard to accept, but it is actually LL Cool J’s original funky fresh medallion. Heavy, yes – a fashion-forward statement, absolutely."-- THEBABYGUY


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