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Unsung Hero': The Tear-Jerking Insurance Company Ad That's Gone Viral In Two Days
Image: YouTube.com

Unsung Hero': The Tear-Jerking Insurance Company Ad That's Gone Viral In Two Days

"Why do some people have plenty of money ... still no joy? This clip is not the answer. But it may be a starting point for you to do something ...To find the answer yourself."

Grab a couple of tissues before you push the play button on the clip attached below.

The video, titled "Unsung Hero," was posted online just three days ago and is nearing the 1 million view mark. It was produced by the Thai Life Insurance company, a Bangkok-based group that has found success on the web with long form, emotionally driven messages like this one.

The Thai text posted with the clip asks the viewer, "Why do some people have plenty of money ... still no joy? This clip is not the answer. But it may be a starting point for you to do something ...To find the answer yourself."

In the three-minute video, a young man is seen performing some random acts of kindness in his community. He helps an elderly street vendor get her cart over a high curb.

Image: YouTube.com Image: YouTube.com

A young girl begging for money "for education" is the recipient of his generosity (as others are shown shaking their heads in disapproval).

Image:YouTube.com Image:YouTube.com

The "unsung hero" is even seen feeding a hungry dog.

Image: YouTube.com Image: YouTube.com

The voiceover for the clip stresses that the young man does all of this anonymously, adding, "He won't be richer. He won't appear on TV. And not a bit more famous."

About two minutes into the clip, the "lessons" of the story begin to be revealed. We don't want to spoil them for you. However, the announcer does stress that the man receives something quite special for living his life in a kind and generous manner.

"He witnesses happiness. Reaches a deeper understanding. Feels the love. Receives what money can't buy -- a world made more beautiful," the ad says.

Watch the entire clip, but don't forget the tissues…it's a heart-tugger.

Follow Mike Opelka on Twitter - @Stuntbrain

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