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Eric Bolling publicly responds to news of his son's death. Here's what he said.
Eric Bolling breaks his silence after news of his son's death. (Image via Facebook/Eric Bolling Jr.)

Eric Bolling publicly responds to news of his son's death. Here's what he said.

Former Fox News host Eric Bolling took the time to address his millions of supporters Saturday amid what must be the toughest time of his life.

News broke Saturday afternoon that Bolling's 19-year-old son, Eric Chase Bolling Jr., was found dead late Friday.

In a pair of tweets posted to his Twitter account, Bolling said that he and his wife, Adrienne, are "devastated" by the loss of their only child. He also said the details surrounding Chase's death were still unclear.

After thanking people for their support, thoughts and prayers, Bolling followed up by denying reports that his son took his own life.

TMZ reported shortly after the news broke that they had a close source that said Chase committed suicide. The celebrity news tabloid later reported, citing sources close to Fox News, that Chase died of a drug overdose.

More from TMZ:

We're told he was having a hard time dealing with the trouble his dad was having at the network. Our sources say he was extremely embarrassed by the stories and was "emotionally upset."

TMZ's reporting has yet to be confirmed by the Bolling family or any other major media outlet.

Chase was studying economics at the University of Colorado-Boulder.

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Chris Enloe

Chris Enloe

Staff Writer

Chris Enloe is a staff writer for Blaze News
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