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It's time for Charles Grassley to go. Vote Jim Carlin for U.S. Senate.
Win McNamee/Getty Images

Deace: It's time for Charles Grassley to go. Vote Jim Carlin for U.S. Senate.

Over the last 15 years, we have tremendously and positively changed the political landscape here in my home state of Iowa. We are now a state that is culturally and politically redder than Texas, which is another state I visit often and know well, so I’m qualified to make the comparison.

Therefore, it is time to for Iowa to have representation in the U.S. Senate that represents that shift towards bold colors and to say no to a sixth decade of pale pastels. With that in mind, I am making my first endorsement for a federal office since 2016 by endorsing Jim Carlin for U.S. Senate in my state’s primary election, coming up on June 7.

We changed Iowa politically for two reasons.

First, we built up a grassroots army that helped Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum post huge caucus-night upsets, produced the largest caucus turnout ever in 2016, when Ted Cruz started at 0% and ended up winning it, and also made American history by throwing out three state supreme court justices by popular referendum.

Second, Donald Trump’s message helped Republicans make major inroads among rural voters, which resulted in 33 Iowa counties that voted Barack Obama for president at least once switching and voting Trump twice.

Jim Carlin embodies this new coalition of conservative/America First populism. Listen to his recent interview with my colleague Daniel Horowitz and see for yourself. Carlin was forged for such a time as this. He knows what time it is.

Meanwhile, his opponent is past his time. Way, way, way, way, way, way, way past his time, in fact. And we are running out of time to send to D.C. people who will fight for us, as opposed to fight us for D.C.

Might I suggest that in a world where the definition of reality itself is increasingly up for grabs on multiple fronts, we may not want to send a guy back to D.C. who has at least played the role of a simp for this descent into the mouth of madness since 1975? Wait, let me take that back. I’m not suggesting. I’m demanding. And you should, too.

It is time for Senator Chuck Grassley to go. Frankly, it is more than a little gross that he is even running again. He is 88 years old and far from being anything resembling indispensable, as his F Liberty Score at Conservative Review confirms.

How in the world does a Republican have such a terrible record during the Biden era? I mean, it’s not as if the Spirit of the Age doesn’t use its dementia-riddled proxy as a channel for endless rotgut to vote against. And somehow, Grassley can’t even manage to say no to the worst of the worst on a consistent basis.Enough is enough. A sixth decade of this weakness in the face of sheer evil is enough. Spare our children and grandchildren any more of this, please.

In fact, a solid red state like Iowa, that has had a front-row seat to genuine leadership and courage the last few years in the person of Governor Kim Reynolds, must ask far more of itself than merely rubber-stamping Grassley’s endless marathon of submissive sub-mediocrity.

And that is especially true since this "Weekend at Bernie’s" re-election bid is obviously being undertaken to pave the way for Grassley’s grandson, Pat – the current speaker of the Iowa House of Representatives – to grab the federal power baton when deemed expedient, despite his failure to lead in the just-completed Iowa legislative session. The younger Grassley’s chamber failed on multiple issues, such as school choice, despite an overwhelmingly favorable environment and a governor openly advertising her willingness to sign bold legislation into law

But the votes to put families back in charge were found over in the Iowa Senate, and that is in no small part due to uncompromising voices of state senators like Jim Carlin. For example, he is on record criticizing the trans porn making its way into America’s school libraries as rubbish that “could make a feral hog vomit.” He’s a staunch advocate of medical freedom, too, which is perhaps our most pressing issue of the moment. Carlin is already speaking boldly on that issue, while even most of our senators with impressive Liberty Scores are cowering from it. And as an Iowan, he knows manure when he sees it, which is why he’s also not buying “the most secure election of our lifetimes.”

If the last 26 months have taught us anything, it’s that we need to elect much better people. We don’t need any more political dynasties. We finally ended the reign of Bushes, and it is now time to put the Grassleys out to pasture.

Grassley has had six decades to put a stop to this evil, and instead has too often enabled it. We don’t have any more time as a culture to feed his ego and fulfill his family tree. We have a civilization to save, which is why I’m endorsing Jim Carlin to hopefully help us save it.

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Steve Deace

Steve Deace

BlazeTV Host

Steve Deace is the host of the “Steve Deace Show” and a columnist for Blaze News.
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