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Horowitz: ‘Your body, my choice’ is the new guiding principle
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Horowitz: ‘Your body, my choice’ is the new guiding principle

"What they can't do any more is prevent transmission."

Those were the words of CDC Director Rochelle Walensky to CNN's Wolf Blitzer last week, as she stated the obvious fact that the COVID shots do not stop symptomatic infection or transmission. Based on data from nearly universally vaccinated regions and countries, such as San Francisco, Israel, Gibraltar, and Iceland, it is abundantly clear that the virus is spreading in some places in greater numbers than before the vaccine was even distributed. Thus, there is no possible legal or moral justification under which any private or public entity can force another human being to take this experimental shot, unless "your body, my choice" is the new guiding principle.

Let's put aside the dubious assertion that the vaccines are an impervious defense against serious illness, a premise that is being seriously challenged by two Israeli studies showing waning efficacy. Even if the vaccines somehow conveyed long-term benefits against serious illness, we now know we were already lied to about the vaccine's use as a tool for source control. Not only should that give us pause about officials' evidence-free statements about the safety of the shots or their long-term efficacy against serious illness, but it should immediately end the debate over the ability of government to mandate these shots on anyone.

Their own position is that there is zero benefit to another human being if the person next to them is vaccinated; that is purely a risk-benefit decision for that person alone. Period. Full stop. Cutting through all the clutter, that was the most important news story to emerge from last week's imbroglio over the virus.

Back in December, the CDC stated clearly that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine "was 95.0% effective (95% confidence interval = 90.3%–97.6%) in preventing symptomatic laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 in persons without evidence of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection." Indeed, in late March, Walensky promised, "Our data from the CDC suggest that vaccinated people do not carry the virus." Even those who had questions about transmission among the vaccinated were only concerned about asymptomatic transmission, whereas now we see that the vaccinated can contract the infection symptomatically.

There is nowhere for them to run or hide or seamlessly glide into a new position about the virus only working against critical illness. The more they lie about the past, the more it's quite likely they are lying about the future.

A recent study from the University of Wisconsin-Madison concluded, "We find no difference in viral loads when comparing unvaccinated individuals to those who have vaccine 'breakthrough' infections." This is why we are seeing an unprecedented spread in Iceland, more prolific than ever before, after nearly all the country's adults have been vaccinated. Because most of them have been recently vaccinated, there are few critical cases because the protection has not worn off yet. But we see clearly that even among those recently vaccinated, the shots failed to stop the spread. Which is why the CDC is now back to pushing masks on the vaccinated, even though they have never been proven to work against even the less transmissible strain of the virus.

Given the CDC's own narrative, how does anyone have a legal leg to stand on to mandate forced vaccination on employees? We already know that bodily integrity is an unassailable right that is likely untouchable by the state, even if it has a substantial reason to infringe upon it under a strict scrutiny test. The court said in Union Pacific Railway Co. v. Botsford (1891), "No right is held more sacred, or is more carefully guarded by the common law, than the right of every individual to the possession and control of his own person, free from all restraint or interference of others." The court implied it is unassailable because "the right to one's person may be said to be a right of complete immunity; to be let alone."

However, at this point, given that according to the CDC's own narrative, vaccination can only be a personal benefit, not a benefit to others, the growing mandates can't even pass a rational basis test. Consider the fact that an uninterrupted stream of studies show immunity from prior infection (even mild cases) likely lasts long-term; T cells that have stem cell-like properties are in the bone marrow, are as durable as stem cells, and likely last a lifetime or very long. Nearly half the country already has immunity. Yet a person with a positive T cell test but no vaccination faces discrimination, while someone with a vaccine card but no prior immunity is admitted into society, despite being just as prone to spreading the virus as someone without immunity or the vaccine.

There is only one way to stop this tyranny and get the truth out to the public. Employers mandating the vaccine under the guise that it is "safe and effective" must be forced to put their money where their mouths are. Every state must convene an emergency session of the legislature and require that any employer mandating the shots be on the hook for workplace injury liability, pursuant to the original federal policies before they were reversed for political reasons.

On April 20, OSHA released new guidance in the frequently asked questions section of its website for COVID-19 safety compliance stating that employers requiring the vaccine must record all adverse events. The agency required any business with more than 10 employees to treat any vaccine injury or illness as work-related, as would have been the case under current law in any similar circumstance. Yet a month later, as reports of vaccine injuries were exploding, OSHA reversed course and was quite honest about the political nature of the new policy.

"The Department of Labor and OSHA, as well as other federal agencies, are working diligently to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations," reads the new statement on the FAQ page of OSHA's COVID-19 section. "OSHA does not wish to have any appearance of discouraging workers from receiving COVID-19 vaccination, and also does not wish to disincentivize employers' vaccination efforts. As a result, OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR 1904's recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination through May 2022."

There you have it! Forget about the law, science, safety and efficacy concerns, or standards of evidence – it's all about not hurting the agenda. Unless red states stand up and establish employer liability, we will have a new standard in this country: "Your body, my choice." Just remember, this will not end with COVID shots.

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Daniel Horowitz

Daniel Horowitz

Blaze Podcast Host

Daniel Horowitz is the host of “Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz” and a senior editor for Blaze News.
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