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GOP governors betraying constituents by pushing refugee resettlement

GOP governors betraying constituents by pushing refugee resettlement

After a year of record illegal immigration and a high baseline of third-world legal immigration, Republican governors are now pushing for even more refugee resettlement.

In September, President Trump gave veto power to governors and county officials to halt refugee resettlement in their respective jurisdictions with the full understanding that at least the Republican officials would follow his campaign promises of putting American taxpayers first. Instead, not a single Republican governor has publicly exercised this prerogative, while several of them have given their affirmative support to this travesty.

Governor Doug Ducey, R-Ariz., leads a state that has been beleaguered by illegal immigration with an enormous cost to taxpayers, financially as well as in education, culture, drugs, and crime. Yet earlier this year, he agreed to implement in-state tuition discounts for illegal aliens. Evidently, dealing with the entirety of Central America at Arizona’s international border and in the local communities is not enough for him. He has now agreed to allow refugee resettlement contract groups to engage in more resettlement in the Grand Canyon State.

“Throughout our nation’s history, the United States has been a refuge for individuals fleeing religious and political persecution in their homeland,” Ducey wrote Friday in a formal letter to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo consenting to resettlement. “And Arizona has historically been one of the most welcoming states in terms of the number of refugees resettled here.”

Local Democrat congressmen and state officials expressed satisfaction with Ducey’s agreement with their position. He also has the support of state House Speaker Rusty Bowers, R-Mesa. When it comes to the real issues that matter to our future, both parties are on the same page, representing the special interests and not the voiceless taxpayers.

Do the people of Arizona not factor into Ducey’s virtue-signaling? Moreover, is Ducey unaware that much religious strife has actually ceased to be an issue in the modern era, with most of the conflict now involving warring Islamic factions, not persecuted minorities? We are bringing in an equal number of Sunnis and Shiites from places like Iraq, with no understanding of how they will live harmoniously with each other, much less with Americans. Why should his state’s population be on the hook for the language and cultural problems in the schools? Who else will pay for it?

Also, the fact that Arizona has taken in so many refugees in the past, in addition to shouldering one of the heaviest burdens of illegal immigration in the nation, is a reason to slow down the process and allow for more assimilation and give taxpayers a reprieve. It’s not a reason to step on the gas pedal with more open-borders policies.

It’s not just large cities like Phoenix that are being transformed. A quick search of the WRAPS State Department database indicates that Glendale, Arizona, has become the new hot spot for resettlement in recent years. A midsized suburb of Phoenix, Glendale has received 2,700 refugees over the past four fiscal years. Most of them originate from Islamic countries or places with dramatically different countries and volatile tribal divisions, such as Iraq, Somalia, Burma, Syria, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Who is looking out for the security concerns, especially when so many Somali refugees have been known to bring their intra-clan violence to our shores, dividing along the same gang structures they had in their home countries?

Last year, Ahmad Suhad Ahmad, an Iraqi refugee living in Tucson, was arrested for an elaborate bomb plot after he was caught making two explosive devices in Las Vegas. Also last year, Mohamed Abdirahman Osman and Zeinab Abdirahman Mohamed, a refugee couple living in Tucson, were indicted after they were found to have been members of Al-Shabab. The FBI believes that Osman sustained permanent injuries from his time handling explosives for the terror group. I’m sure Doug Ducey will personally vet these people to ensure all of them will love America.  

But these are the Republicans we are electing. They are indistinguishable from Democrats on this and many other issues.

Thus far, the Republican governors of New Hampshire, North Dakota, and Utah have also agreed to refugee resettlement, at least as long as the county governments agree to it. But the RINO problem likely runs deeper than that. As refugee expert Ann Corcoran warns, the New York Times is reporting that 16 governors have officially consented to resettlement. Which ones? Are other Republicans silently supporting this? Well, that is exactly what will happen if conservatives don’t get engaged on the ground and demand that governors such as Texas’ Greg Abbott decline to resettle refugees.

In October, the Washington Post reported that “none of the 27 Republican governors and other state officeholders contacted by The Post said definitively that they would move to block refugees.” The only statewide elected Republican willing to go on record was Alabama’s Attorney General Steve Marshall. “There is an array of challenges — financial, legal and public safety, to name a few — that states or localities face when compelled to accommodate refugee populations,” said Marshall’s office in a comment to the Post. “States deserve to be heard before those decisions are made.”

Why can’t any other Republican go on the record as standing with taxpayers?

The answer is that most Republicans are bought out by the big business and agricultural interests, in addition to being intimidated by the progressive outrage-mongers. Earlier this week, despite massive protests, the Burleigh County, North Dakota, Commission voted 3-2 to accept refugees. This is a county Trump carried by a 46-point margin in 2016, yet we can’t even elect Republicans who will side with the people. The governor, Doug Burgum, already gave his approval for resettlement in counties that vote for it.

Do yourself a favor: Look at the roster of GOP governors and ask yourself how many of them share our values on immigration, sovereignty, national security, crime, health care, traditional values, and spending, just to name a few issues. If you find more than two or three, you are likely living in a dream world.

Many Republicans voted for Donald Trump in the primary because they were sick of business as usual with Republican politicians acting like Democrats. The problem is that no effort has been made to change the type of Republicans we are electing down-ballot. This issue of fundamental transformation through Middle Eastern refugees is the perfect issue with which to catalyze a movement to finally drain the GOP swamp. Let these Republicans become political refugees during next election. When will conservative talk radio and media figures stand up and be counted on the issues that actually matter in their own party?

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Daniel Horowitz

Daniel Horowitz

Blaze Podcast Host

Daniel Horowitz is the host of “Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz” and a senior editor for Blaze News.
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