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Leftist opines that if abortion is prohibited, the government should pay women to bear children
OZAN KOSE/AFP via Getty Images

Leftist opines that if abortion is prohibited, the government should pay women to bear children

Self-described "Leftist" Ren Brabenec has authored an opinion piece in which he argues that if abortions are prohibited, women should be paid by the government to bear children.

In June, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an opinion that enabled states to ban abortions — the ruling does not prohibit states from allowing abortions, but leaves the issue up to each state to decide.

"The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives," the opinion states.

Brabenec contends that if women do not have the option to terminate pregnancies, the government should pay them to bear children.

"Roe v. Wade pulled countless women up the economic ladder. The ability to delay motherhood by legal access to abortion meant women could finish college, spend more time in the labor force and work in higher-paying occupations before becoming mothers," Brabenec wrote in his opinion piece. "With Roe gone, if the government intends to forcibly rescind the human right to an abortion and invite the personal economic disadvantages that will follow, it must pay up."

The writer attempted to use the U.S. Constitution to make his argument.

"The 13th Amendment protects Americans against involuntary servitude, and the Fifth Amendment protects against private property being seized for public use. Per our Constitution, women cannot be compelled to perform labor (carry a pregnancy to term), and they cannot have their property (uterus) seized by the state to produce human capital. But if this is to be the new normal, thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court's blindered reading of American history, the government pmust step up and compensate women," he wrote. "Women forced to produce the economy’s most valuable asset deserve at least the salary of the average American worker."

Addressing the question of how such a policy would be funded, Brabenec wrote, "I suggest the government appropriate funds from the bloated profit margins of our corporatocracy. Or perhaps remove Christianity's tax-exempt status, as recent reports suggest the church now has the influence over our government our Founders fought so hard to prevent."

While there is no tax-exempt status for the religion of Christianity specifically, religious organizations can qualify for tax exempt status.

"If America's vocal minority intends to move our society away from a democracy founded on human rights, and if this minority intends to flirt with a brand of evangelical authoritarianism that would force births and strip the bodily autonomy of 51% of the population, the least the government can do is compensate mothers," Brabenec wrote.

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Alex Nitzberg

Alex Nitzberg

Alex Nitzberg is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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