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Actress Rose McGowan says Democratic voters are in a ‘deep cult.’ She’d know — she was raised in one.
Image source: Fox News video screenshot

Actress Rose McGowan says Democratic voters are in a ‘deep cult.’ She’d know — she was raised in one.

Actress and activist Rose McGowan battered Democratic voters for being in what she says is a "deep cult."

McGowan, who was raised in a cult when she was just a child, denounced much of the Democratic Party during a Monday Fox News interview.

What are the details?

McGowan, who was instrumental in the #MeToo movement that shook Hollywood from its top executives all the way down, told "Fox News Primetime" host Tammy Bruce that she believes Democrats and their supporters are in a "deep cult" and don't even realize it.

"I am not here to make people feel bad about their political choices," she told Bruce. "But I am here to say that you might be in a cult, too, if you don't know the signs. And I do believe Democrats, most especially, are in a deep cult that they really don't know about and aren't really aware of."

McGowan also warned that Democrats "masquerade" as humanitarians despite being "against changing the world for the better."

"They're for a system that is for so few people and benefits so few, but they masquerade as the helpers — 'We would do this, the world would be perfect if only those Republicans would get out of the way,'" she added.

The 47-year-old actress, who was raised in the Children of God cult, said that her experience as a child and adolescent provided her insight into the minds of those people ensconced in cults and similar organizations.

"It gave me the ability to see the control and the propaganda machine, especially in the U.S., for what it is and how it harms people and how the left can harm people just as much as the right if they go very, very deep into it and ignore all other aspects of, kind of, reality in a way," she said.

She added, "If you are serving a master that is not serving you, you are in a cult."

McGowan said that she doesn't feel that Republicans or Republican voters are the same, because they are mainly up front about what they're for and what they're against.

The actress, who admitted to being a former Democratic voter, added, "My persecution and awakening from being a Democrat was so much about what I do and what I say now and so much about realizing how hardcore of a cult it is."

McGowan's advice to Americans? Open your eyes and free yourselves from party politics — especially Democratic party politics — and stop being controlled.

"What part of it is organic to you and what part has been implanted either by Hollywood, or the media, or your leaders?" she asked. "What part of it is truly yours? What's organic to you? And see what's the polyester and pull it out of your fabric. We have to examine what we believe and why."

"Look at your own belief systems and get free," she added.

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