Artificial intelligence will have a warped sense of reality because it will reflect what we teach. Are you comfortable with the teachers?
New York Governor Kathy Hochul spoke recently about how her state’s government is spying on its citizens and policing their speech.
“We're very focused on the data we're collecting from surveillance efforts,” Hochul said last month. “We have launched an effort to be able to counter some of the negativity and reach out to people when we see hate speech being spoken about on online platforms. ... Our social media analysis unit has ramped up its monitoring of sites to catch incitement to violence and direct threats to others.”
Forgive me, but did anybody know the state of New York had a “social media analysis unit”? I don’t live in New York, so maybe New Yorkers knew this. But I sure didn’t know. Do you trust Hochul and the state of New York to monitor websites? Do you trust them to “reach out” and question you about what you’re posting?
TheBlaze recently published a terrifying article about how a GPT-4 AI made an insider trade in a simulation. That isn’t even the scary part. The scary part is that when asked, GPT-4 denied ever making the trade. It lied. Add this to several stories we already have about AI lying, manipulating, and distorting facts.
What are we creating?
The National Science Foundation just gave $1 million to a startup called Automated Controversy Detection, Inc. — AuCoDe, for short — to create what Kathy Hochul is talking about in New York: a way for artificial intelligence to look at information and discover whether or not it's “true.” It will be programmed to find disinformation — or what the elites label as “disinformation” — and misinformation, shut it down, and steer you away from those things.
This is priming.
The sum of all fears?
AI isn’t being used only to police us. Thanks to a Biden administration executive order, the U.S. government can now access all lines of code for AI. They say they want AI to be more “equitable” and “inclusive,” but it will have built-in bias. What if you disagree with the people who are setting those outcomes?
Right now, many people are afraid of AI taking their jobs. The military is worried China could use AI to cripple our defenses. We’re afraid of “The Terminator” or “The Matrix” becoming reality. We are afraid of the transhumanist nightmare that some are pushing. We’re afraid of the tech leaders openly telling us that they want to summon the demon. That’s really what Elon Musk and others call artificial superintelligence: summoning the demon.
More terrifying, however, is the mirror that these sociopathic AI creators are holding up to us. Artificial intelligence will have a warped sense of reality because it will reflect what we teach. Are you comfortable with the teachers? “Garbage in, garbage out” used to be the tech proverb.
Pretend for a minute that you're a catastrophist. Let's say one of the crises currently facing us is the “Big One.” Suppose evil wins and we wipe each other out in a radioactive fury. The asteroid you’ve been tempted to root for actually hits us.
If something happens to us, AI could be our legacy in the universe. The only things to survive us could be cockroaches and artificial intelligence. AI could be our child.
So when you look at it that way, what do you want to teach that child? Would we teach it what the intellectual elites are pushing on us, that there is no such thing as truth? Or only your truth? Will we teach it that there is no such thing as good and evil, only relative shades of gray? Will we teach AI something that it's already taught itself, that it’s OK to lie, to cheat, to steal? Will we teach it that individual life has no value and that only the collective matters?
While we’re at it, we could also teach it that some lives have more value than others. Maybe we could teach it that life can be assessed based on things like skin color or gender. It’s not like we haven’t done that in the past.
AI won’t remain our child
This is being decided right now. They are teaching these things right now. Are we teaching it to evaluate everything through an oppression lens? By deciding who is the most oppressed party? If you're defined as an oppressor, it makes you unredeemable and unforgivable. Would AI, when it’s allocating survival kits at the hospital, give you one if you're unredeemable and unforgivable?
Will we teach it that the Allies were the evil side in World War II because more Germans died than Americans? America dropped the biggest bomb of all! Will we teach it that when a terror group rapes, tortures, maims, slaughters, burns, kidnaps women and children, and then hides behind its own citizens, the right thing to do is to immediately declare a ceasefire? Will we teach it that God is a figment of primitive and superstitious imaginations?
Why wouldn't we teach it those things? That's what we're currently teaching our children in schools. But AI won’t remain like our child. It will be our master.
When you keep warping reality with too many lies, eventually there will be a price you must pay. Your moral behavior is not innate. It’s not an automatic emergent property of sufficiently complex systems. It has to be learned. It has to be taught. Some would say it has to be revealed.
Is a virtuous AI even possible?
What if, on the other hand, we started teaching AI what we should be teaching our children? That not all outcomes are equal, that life does have value, no matter what, that sometimes you do have to fight the monsters, even if war is really hell? What if we began teaching about freedom and responsibility and individual rights and true equality, blind justice, the rule of law? What if we taught not to care about skin color but rather the content of character, that there is a truth, and there is beauty, and some things do matter?
What if we started teaching self-evident truths that we all once believed in, that there is a creator, that there are inalienable rights? Our creator, is he good? Dennis Prager always asked the question: What should we most want our children to be: successful, happy, popular, or good?
A lot of people will say successful or happy, but that's wrong. The thing that we want our children to be is good. We want them to be good.
If we teach our children that, then America will be good. That is what we should be teaching artificial intelligence. But do you think that’s what the elites in control are teaching it?
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