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Black college president blasted as 'overseer' of 'Trump plantation' following meeting at White House
Leaders of historically black colleges meet with President Donald Trump at the White House on Monday, Feb. 27. (Image source: YouTube screen cap)

Black college president blasted as 'overseer' of 'Trump plantation' following meeting at White House

The president of a prominent black college was blasted as the "overseer" of the "Trump plantation" in a spray-painted message — along with other graffiti on the Howard University campus — after a White House meeting with leaders of historically black colleges.

Washington, D.C., stations WTTG-TV and WRC-TV said Howard University President Wayne A.I. Frederick was part of Monday's meeting at the White House.

The graffiti was discovered Tuesday morning on the Washington, D.C., campus, DCist reported.

Here's Frederick's response to the graffiti:

Frederick also was criticized after meeting with Secretary of Education Nancy DeVos on campus in early February:

After her visit, Frederick said the school was "pleased" that DeVos "chose to visit our institution as her first official campus visit” and that Howard has "a longstanding, successful relationship with the Department of Education, and I look forward to advancing this relationship under the Secretary’s leadership,” DCist reported.

Some students weren't buying it, though:

In fact, a student group — HUResist — met with Frederick and demanded Howard reject federal funding and ban Republican President Donald Trump from all university-affiliated buildings, the outlet noted.

HUResist said it wasn't behind the spray-painted message against Frederick:

Some Howard students weren't pleased about the graffiti.

"I see the students' need to protest, but this is just clear vandalism," sophomore Francisco Joseph told DCist. "I'm never about slandering people — this went a little bit too far."

Sophomore Taylor Washington told the outlet she also saw graffiti by some dorms and that the term "overseer" for Frederick is a slap in the face in the black community. "I just feel like it's a little dramatic," she said.

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Dave Urbanski

Dave Urbanski

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Dave Urbanski is a senior editor for Blaze News.
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