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Gingrich Tells Supporters on to 'Florida and Beyond' in South Carolina Victory Speech

Newt is back with a vengeance.

In Gingrich's speech following his stunning victory in Saturday's South Carolina GOP primary, the former Speaker of the House made it clear that his roller coaster campaign was back in gear and that foes in the news media, White House and 'elites in Washington and New York,' better take cover.

"The American people feel that they have elites who have been trying for a half century to force us to quit being American, and become some kind of other system," Gingrich said in his victory speech in Columbia. "People completely misunderstand what is going on, it is not that I am a good debater. It is that I articulate the deepest-felt values of the American people."

The Associated Press notes that Gingrich's victory marks a remarkable turnabout for the former House speaker, who has battled back twice from near political oblivion. Gingrich's speech focused on opposition to the President and his plans if elected, for the most part avoiding direct attacks at other Republican candidates.

“We don’t have the kind of money that at least one of the candidates has,” Gingrich said, referring to Romney. “But we do have ideas, and we do have people and we proved here in South Carolina that people power with the right ideas beats big money.”

Obama is "the most effective food stamp president in history," the former Speaker went on to say. "I would like to be the best paycheck president in American history."

Gingrich had suffered disappointing finishes in both Iowa and New Hampshire, going into South Carolina with his campaign on life support.

AP reports that Gingrich won Saturday with solid support from conservative and evangelical voters as well as those worried about the economy, according to exit polling. Gingrich was also helped with the endorsement of Texas Governor Rick Perry, who dropped out of the race on Thursday, as well as Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who said if she was South Carolinian she would vote for Gingrich.

Gingrich encouraged his supporters to come along with him for his campaign's next stop at Florida's January 31 primary. “With your help, we are now moving on to Florida and beyond,” he said.

Highlights of Gingrich's speech:

Gingrich's full 24-minute speech:

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