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Bill Maher spills the beans on liberals backing the Palestinian cause: 'These are the values that you support?'
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Bill Maher spills the beans on liberals backing the Palestinian cause: 'These are the values that you support?'

Bill Maher called out liberals on Friday for their unwavering support for the Palestinian cause.

Speaking on HBO's "Real Time" about the Hamas terrorist attack and Israel's response, Maher at first condemned the mainstream media for drawing "moral equivalencies" and blaming both sides of a conflict that Tablet magazine columnist James Kirchick noted would never happen if Hamas laid down its weapons.

"I think the Israelis have always had the moral high ground; I think they still do," Maher declared.

Then, listing the values that liberals allegedly support but that are not part of Palestinian culture, Maher tore into the "American left" for "throwing their lot in" with the Palestinians, who elected Hamas into power nearly two decades ago.

"Religious tolerance: That doesn't exist in Gaza. You're either a Muslim or an infidel, and you better be a Muslim," Maher said. "Female freedom, free and fair elections, free speech, gay rights — I see these ‘Queers for Palestine.'"

"The fact that, you know, these people think that this is where they should be aligned with, that these are the values that you support?" Maher added.

Israel's 9/11 | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)www.youtube.com

Kirchick responded that the "past week has been a real important moment for a moral reckoning on the American left" because, in his view, there is a "small" faction of liberals who overwhelmingly support Palestine over Israel. But Maher quickly pushed back.

"I don't know how small any more," he interjected.

Later in the show, Maher blasted Palestinian sympathizers in the U.S. for accusing Israelis of being "colonizers" and explained why the accusation is far from reality.

"This has become like, in the media, we just call the Israelis 'colonizers.' It's not colonizing. Colonizing is when one country that had nothing to do with another country, like the British or the Dutch in South Africa, marched in with an army and took over a place they had no connection to. Israel has quite a connection to Israel," Maher explained.

Maher noted that if you did a "land acknowledgment" in Israel — as some Americans do to acknowledge Native American land in the U.S. — then you'd be forced to admit that Jews controlled the land long before Muslims.

"If that land acknowledgment means we honor who originally had the land, why does this work for Indians but not Jews?" Maher asked.

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Chris Enloe

Chris Enloe

Staff Writer

Chris Enloe is a staff writer for Blaze News
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