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Illegal aliens attempting to scale border wall throw rocks, sand, and water bottles at Border Patrol agents: Video
Image Source: Texas Department of Public Safety video screenshot

Illegal aliens attempting to scale border wall throw rocks, sand, and water bottles at Border Patrol agents: Video

Illegal immigrants used a rope ladder to climb the barrier.

A group of illegal aliens who were recently attempting to scale the border wall dividing Texas from Mexico entered into a tense confrontation with Border Patrol agents, according to an aerial video taken by the Texas Department of Public Safety.

The video, taken this week, captured the illegal immigrants while they were attempting to descend a rope ladder draped over the border wall. As law enforcement officials on the ground approached the scene, several individuals on the other side of the wall began throwing rocks and sand at the responding officers, according to Texas DPS. One individual appeared to chuck water bottles at authorities while they were attempting to make arrests, the video showed.

'The video illustrates recent behavior by these groups.'

Two illegal immigrants perched at the top of the wall entered into a back-and-forth tug of war with a Border Patrol agent over the rope ladder, the footage captured. Eventually, the two individuals gave up and retreated back into Mexico.

The Santa Teresa Station is located in the El Paso Sector. In the first seven months of fiscal year 2024, the sector has experienced more than 180,000 encounters, according to Customs and Border Protection data.

"This week, DPS provided air support to Border Patrol Agents responding to a group of illegal immigrants attempting to climb the border wall near the Santa Teresa [Port of Entry] & illegally enter the U.S. The video illustrates recent behavior by these groups in the El Paso Sector—throwing rocks, sand & water bottles at responding agents," Texas DPS wrote in a Thursday post on X.

In March, a massive group of more than 200 illegal aliens tore down the concertina wire at the border and shoved past Texas National Guardsmen, Blaze News previously reported. The caught-on-video altercation occurred at Gate 36, a closed area of the border that is not a designated port of entry. The illegal immigrants, mostly adult males, were accused of participating in a riot.

El Paso County Judge Ruben Morales dismissed the charges, claiming he was forced to do so because the state failed to provide a transfer order to move the cases from district to county court.

A similar incident on April 22 also occurred at Gate 36. Morales dropped the charges against the illegal immigrants in that case as well, claiming that there was no evidence of "probable cause" to indicate that the individuals participated in a riot.

District Attorney Bill Hicks called for a grand jury to decide on the case after he claimed Morales refused to review additional evidence. The group of 12 El Paso citizens effectively overruled Morales' judgment, deciding to indict more than 140 illegal aliens on misdemeanor riot participation charges.

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Candace Hathaway

Candace Hathaway

Candace Hathaway is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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