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​Dem screams at 'gutless' Republicans in halls of Congress over guns — then Rep. Massie confronts him with truth
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​Dem screams at 'gutless' Republicans in halls of Congress over guns — then Rep. Massie confronts him with truth

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) confronted Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) on Wednesday over his accusation that "coward" Republicans are "gutless" and are responsible for schoolchildren being murdered.

As lawmakers departed the House floor after evening votes, Bowman stopped in the hall where reporters had gathered and began shouting at his Republican colleagues.

"They're cowards! They're all cowards! They won't do anything to save the lives of our children at all. Cowards!" Bowman screamed. "Question them. Force them to respond to the question, 'Why the hell don't you do anything to save America's children?' And let them explain that all the way up until Election Day on 2024."

While other lawmakers ignored Bowman's tirade, Massie stopped and challenged him.

"You know, there's never been a school shooting in a school that allows teachers to carry," Massie told Bowman.

"Carry guns? More guns lead to more death! More guns lead to more death!" Bowman screeched. "Look at the data — you're not looking at any data!"

Bowman, who inched closer to Massie's face, accused him of "carrying water" for the gun lobby. He also argued that states with legal open carry have "more death." He did not, however, provide any data to prove his claim. Instead, he just shouted over Massie each time the Republican lawmaker tried engaging with him.

Crazed Congressman Literally SCREAMS at Thomas Massie in Must-See Exchangewww.youtube.com

When Bowman repeatedly asked Massie if he has worked in a school like himself, Massie tried to defuse the situation and talk to the media. But Bowman accosted him by putting his hands on Massie several times and demanded that Massie continue to engage with him despite his refusal to stop screaming. At one point, Bowman even tried to block Massie from the media and shouted over him.

Finally, Massie was able to make his point as Bowman walked away.

He told reporters that schoolchildren deserve the same type of protection as members of Congress, referring to armed security. He also pointed out that there has never been a shooting on a school campus where there are armed security personnel.

Indeed, while there is inconclusive scientific data proving armed security on school campuses improves safety, Massie is correct: There has never been a mass shooting at a school where teachers are armed.

Instead, killers often target schools because they are "soft targets," places where guns are explicitly prohibited. The perpetrator of the Nashville massacre even chose the Covenant School, in part, because there was less security at the school than other potential targets she considered for her rampage.

Anything else?

Bowman later celebrated his outburst on social media by, once again, attacking Republicans.

"Republicans won't do S*** when it comes to gun violence, but try to tell me to calm down. NO. We can't calm down. People are dying everyday while we wait," he said on Twitter.

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Chris Enloe

Chris Enloe

Staff Writer

Chris Enloe is a staff writer for Blaze News
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