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Kamala Harris proves she has no idea how inflation works
DANIEL LEAL/AFP | Getty Images

Kamala Harris proves she has no idea how inflation works

While average Americans are aware that government spending and the resulting inflation is out of control and hindering their ability to buy homes, groceries, and even McDonald’s — Kamala Harris remains blissfully unaware.

In a recent clip of her describing the Inflation Reduction Act, she makes this crystal clear.

“The president and I, because of the Inflation Reduction Act, the Infrastructure Act, we are dropping trillions of dollars on the streets of America right now to build back up our roads and our bridges, our sidewalks, to invest in a clean energy economy, to deal with the climate crisis in a way that is about building up adaptation and resilience,” Harris ranted.

“We now have proposed that if you are the child of parents who, or you were raised in a family where the folks who raised you were not homeowners, when you go buy a home, you will be entitled to a $225,000 grant toward a down payment for a home,” she added.

Dave Rubin of "The Rubin Report" has come to expect this from Harris, but it doesn’t make it any more comforting.

“She was hired because she is black and a woman. She was polling at zero in her own party when they took her on for the job that she’s not qualified for,” he explains.

“She’s dropping trillions of dollars on the streets via something called the Inflation Reduction Act, and then you wonder why things cost more.”

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