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Deace: American sovereignty is about to be overruled by the World Health Organization. For your own good, of course.
Artur Widak/NurPhoto/Getty Images

Deace: American sovereignty is about to be overruled by the World Health Organization. For your own good, of course.

May the spirit of Catholic Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone be upon us. For his clarity in putting chronic heresy hound Nancy Pelosi in the penalty box is also what is needed from regular Americans, if we don’t wish to be permanently governed by Hydra-esque organizations like the World Health Organization.

Because granting that organization power over nothing short of reality itself – all-encompassing definitions of borders, laws, health, risk, etc. – is just days from happening, at the behest of President Joe Biden and his demonic puppet masters. They actually sent the order out earlier this year for this to happen, having learned no lessons from the constant “expert” failures of Fauci, the CDC, lockdowns, masks, the jab, etc.

Or, unfortunately, did they learn some sinister lessons all too well? No one has been punished for their failures or crimes against humanity. In fact, many received awards or got rich. So party on, Wayne, party on, Garth.

Yet too many countries (Sweden) or states (Florida) still had the freedom to go their own way and buck the system, once they set fear aside and saw the COVID threat for the propaganda-rich theater production that much of it was. So why shouldn’t the country with the world’s oldest and greatest constitution lead the charge to end all of that freedom, since that old piece of parchment wasn’t even enough to protect U.S. citizens from having an election stolen from them in 2020?

Makes total sense. Yes, I’m being serious.

That’s why I'm not even concerned about the WHO stealing our national sovereignty, for we sadly have no more national sovereignty to give. Like I just got done saying above, we are leading the charge on this. So we aren’t being robbed against our will. We aren’t victims. We are literally asking to be violated. And our own institutions – legal, educational, artistic, theistic – have been led by such sadomasochists for quite some time. After all, most of them played the role of the dutiful submissive when their statist masters demanded they assume the position.

I’m far more worried about us than I am the WHO. Do we know what time it is?

Whether or not COVID was as scary as first advertised or the bad flu it turned out to be, do you think anyone other than Americans should be able to define health threats and their remedies for us? Because the vote coming up May 22-28 will ratify what so many of us seemed to want during COVID. We will be treated like children, like most of us submissively wanted during COVID. Nations will not have a say in what health actually looks like, whether it is in real or just potential danger, or whether the cure is worse than the disease.

For example, the WHO will be able to requisition and direct intervention wherever and however it sees fit, regardless of the national popular will or government ratification, from the likes of the United Nations, International Labor Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization, International Atomic Energy Agency, International Civil Aviation Organization, International Maritime Organization, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Air Transport Association, and International Shipping Federation.

Just like the Founders intended, right?

With that much international on the plate, I promise you this: Your guns will be a health issue. Your “white privilege” will be a health issue. Your “misogyny” will be a health issue. Your contrarianism will be a health issue. As will all things you follow and/or believe that dissent from the Spirit of the Age, in order to get around the messy problem of your “rights.”

It will be for your own good, too, says the Karen with the Klaus Schwab tattoo taking your children away from you in broad daylight for offenses against pronouns.

This will happen. And it won’t be the WHO’s fault; it will be ours. We will have sold our birthright for far less than a bowl of stew. So we either accept the destiny that generations of confusion, decadence, and cowardice have wrought, or fight the fight that needs to be fought.

For it is here, right in front of us, no matter where we are. And if we fight and win those fights, the WHO and its minions won’t stand a chance, because they wouldn’t even dare test an armed citizenry – armed with both courage of conviction and some serious Second Amendment.

As always, the answer is us. Let’s find out, shall we?

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Steve Deace

Steve Deace

BlazeTV Host

Steve Deace is the host of the “Steve Deace Show” and a columnist for Blaze News.
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