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God, man, and the Kansas City Chiefs parade atrocity
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God, man, and the Kansas City Chiefs parade atrocity

The shooters at the Chiefs’ parade share the same worldview as the women marching for the right to slaughter babies in the womb. They’re tapped into the wrong power source.

Vince Everett Ellison, an author and historian, identified the simple misunderstanding driving America’s widening political divide.

Who or what is the source of our rights and freedom?

In his documentary, “Will You Go to Hell for Me?” Ellison argues persuasively that this country’s founding documents – the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution – posit that God is the source. He further contends that modern political progressives believe government legislation determines our rights and freedom. Ellison points to the 1964 Civil Rights Act as a second American founding based on the premise that federal lawmakers control the unalienable rights Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Ben Franklin credited to our Creator.

I’ve been pondering Ellison’s work for the past three weeks. It began when I watched the interview he did with TPUSA founder Charlie Kirk on the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Ellison is a critic of the civil rights icon. He blames Dr. King for convincing black Americans to seek salvation in government rather than God. Ellison points to King’s “I Have a Dream” as defining moment for the retardation of black Americans’ faith-based mindset.

People disconnected from a biblical worldview will draw the wrong conclusions from Wednesday’s shootings. They’ll blame guns. Or they’ll blame skin color.

A single line stands out to Ellison from the 1963 speech: “But 100 years later, the negro is still not free.”

If freedom truly comes from God, which it does, how can anyone who believes in God look to man or government for his freedom? If man acknowledges that he is a child of God, how can he define equality based on the attitudes and treatment of another man?

For black Americans, King identified the government and white people as the source of freedom and salvation. This is at the root of America’s political and racial divide. There are two groups of Americans: 1) those who authentically believe God is the ultimate provider of freedom, truth, and every other essential need; 2) those who believe man is the master of the universe, arbiter of freedom, controller of weather, and definer of truth.

God versus man and American exceptionalism versus Marxist theory explain the fundamental disagreement roiling American culture.

I thought about this on Wednesday in the aftermath of the shooting spree that left one woman dead and 21 others injured and marred the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory parade.

As we are prone to do over social media, the incident sparked a debate over “gun violence” and “gun control.” Given the higher melanin levels of the three known suspects, it also ignited a publicly muted, privately pervasive discussion about race. Are black Americans prone to resolve conflict with gun violence?

People disconnected from a biblical worldview will draw the wrong conclusions from Wednesday’s shootings. They’ll blame guns. Or they’ll blame skin color. They’ll do so out of sincere ignorance or a desire to overturn our founding principles.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people,” said John Adams, our second president. “It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Our Constitution does not properly govern a secular society — that is, a mass of people who reject God as the source of freedom and every other essential need.

The First Amendment bars the government from making laws that impede the exercise of religion, free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and the right to complain about the government. The Second Amendment backs those rights with a gun. No human freedom on this earth exists that man is unwilling to defend with a gun.

The gun protects the rights that God gave us. You don’t have to like guns. But it’s important that you understand why they’re necessary on this earth. Your God-given rights depend on the Second Amendment.

We think Karl Marx’s political theory is relatively harmless compared to “racism.” Nothing could be farther from the truth.

If man or government is the source of your freedom, you don’t need a gun.

Many Americans, but particularly black Americans, have been convinced that the government is their lord and savior. This includes many Americans who attend church on Sundays and Wednesdays. God is their insurance policy, not their primary provider. He’s a 401(k), a savings account they want to tap into when they’re hospitalized and at death’s door.

On the surface, it’s a smart strategy. In reality, it’s a penny stock with no real value.

Thanks to Dr. King and the promotion of racial idolatry, many black Americans have been seduced by Marxism, communism, socialism, and feminism. Popular culture, corporate America, academia, and mainstream media have been infiltrated by Marxist theory. Affirmative action and diversity, equity, and inclusion are fruit from Karl Marx’s tree.

We think Karl Marx’s political theory is relatively harmless compared to “racism.” Nothing could be farther from the truth. There will be former slaves and other victims of unfairness in the eternal kingdom. There will be no Marxists there. Marxism’s prohibition of religious faith snatches souls eternally and sentences its proponents to a defeatist mindset on earth.

A high percentage of black Americans have adopted a Marxist mindset. They believe in the matriarchy, feminism, and the “disrupted” nuclear family. Like misguided or bigoted white people, many black Americans believe their dark skin is an obstacle to success. They’ve yet to come to grips with the fact that they’re lab rats in the most dangerous social experiment in the history of mankind.

People who reject God as their ultimate source of life and freedom have financed and incentivized the destruction of the family structure God designed. The matriarchal culture foisted on and embraced by black Americans produces chaos, violence, degeneracy, and sexual perversion.

The shooters at the Chiefs’ parade share the same worldview as the women marching for the right to slaughter babies in the womb. They’re tapped into the wrong power source.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger were allies.

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Jason Whitlock

Jason Whitlock

BlazeTV Host

Jason Whitlock is the host of “Fearless with Jason Whitlock” and a columnist for Blaze News.
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