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Making a difference: William's story

Making a difference: William's story

William from Kentucky recently wrote:

I had tried to find any groups in my area that were organizing for Flash Mob of Kindness with no luck.  So, I decided to be my own Flash Mob.  A Flash Mob of One if you will.  Not knowing really what to purchase in the way of groceries for someone I've never met, I fumbled around my local Kroger for a bit.  I must've looked the fool standing in the middle of the store with this blank look on my face.  But I starting thinking about the people that I was considering handing a bag of groceries to and walking away from.  I tried to put myself in their position and came to the realization that I would prefer to pick out my own groceries, given the chance.  So I head straightway for the customer service counter and purchased 4 gift cards.  I filled in the blanks on the cards, To: You.  From: Flash Mob for Kindness; A Tea Party Movement.

When I pulled into the parking lot at my local unemployment office I was rather nervous.  I said a quick yet very heartfelt prayer, "Lord please lead me to the right people."  When I walked in a security guard motioned for me to step to the back of the line.  Once there I tapped the shoulder of the lady in front of me and told her that I wanted her to know that there are people out there praying for her and I encouraged her to not give up.  I handed her the gift card.  The look on her face and the tone in her voice when she thanked me was something I will not soon forget.

I stepped out of line and made my way up and handed out two more cards in this manner with much the same response.  The best for last though.  Standing there with the last card I hesitated.  I wasn't sure who to go to next.  I glanced around and then I saw her.  In the back of the room sitting at a table with a pile of stuff in her lap and her head down was a little elderly black woman.  I made my way to her and excused myself for the intrusion.  I introduced myself much the same has I had to the previous three people I had handed cards to and I handed her the last card.  She looked at me rather confused and asked "what is this?"  I told her it was a gift card for Kroger to help her with groceries and then the tears started to swell.  She grabbed my hand and said "God bless you".  I told her "He has and now he's blessed you."

I turned and walked out knowing that I had just made a difference in at least one life which is not a feeling I've had in quite some time.  It was an experience I will not soon forget and one I plan on repeating.

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