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What 'Distortion' Did the NYTimes Find in the Entire, Just-Released Obama 'Documentary?

What 'Distortion' Did the NYTimes Find in the Entire, Just-Released Obama 'Documentary?

"The movie is notable for the emphasis it places on the extremist element of Mr. Obama’s political opponents."

We're nearly to the summer blockbuster season. And what better way to kick it off than with the much-touted, 17-minute Obama "documentary" commissioned by the Obama campaign?

The movie, made by the man who can't find a fault in the president and ridiculed by Republicans with a special poster, has just been released in its entirety. We've covered two of the leaked clips before (which focuses a lot of attention on the killing of bin Laden), and now you get to see what all the fuss is about.

So what are you in for? Well, for starters, even the New York Times is finding at least one "distortion" in it:

The film devotes a significant amount of time – nearly three minutes – to the president’s backing of a financial rescue package for Detroit automakers. And it highlights Mitt Romney’s New York Times Op-Ed from that period, when he argued that the car companies should not receive any government assistance. The headline, “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt,” is framed in bright red for emphasis.

Rahm Emanuel, the former White House chief of staff, characterizes Mr. Romney’s stance on the auto industry with a dismissive wave of the hand, saying “Let it go.”

This is somewhat of a distortion. Mr. Romney advocated for a managed bankruptcy, not a liquidation of the company. Auto executives and government officials involved in the bailout have repeatedly said that without federal intervention there would have been no path to bankruptcy, and the companies would have collapsed. [Emphasis added]

But wait, there's more. It also covers, according to the Times, the "extremist element" of Obama's opponents (translation: the Tea Party):

The movie is notable for the emphasis it places on the extremist element of Mr. Obama’s political opponents. It includes scenes from the raucous Tea Party-dominated protests outside the Capitol as Congress was considering the president’s health care overhaul plan.

Chants of “Kill the bill!” are heard alongside video of protesters holding signs with various slogans and images that are derogatory toward the president. One reads “You Lie!” while another shows the president crawling out of a coffin with the letters “R.I.P” on it.

“It’ll be a cold day in hell before he socializes my country,” says one man in a news clip from a New Orleans television station.

Hot Air's Allahpundit is much more snarky:

The official title: “The Road We’ve Traveled.” My title: Three Years of Glory.

It’s all here. Protracted high unemployment, a catastrophic health-care boondoggle, aimlessness in Afghanistan, Iran nearing nuclear breakout capacity, soaring gas prices, and of course historic deficits on top of a looming entitlements-driven fiscal meltdown.

Can't wait to see it, right? Well, just in case you actually can't -- meaning you don't have 17 minutes -- the folks over at Bulletpeople.com have condensed the 17-minute version down to 10 by speeding up the narration and using subtitles. Not only does it save time, but it makes Tom Hanks, Rahm Emanuel, and David Axelrod sound like they haven't slept in four years and have been living on a stead stream of caffeine IVs. And the president like he's a robot:

And now, without further ado, here's the one (movie) we've been waiting for:

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