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The graph that should destroy Occupy Wall Street

It's being reported by the Cleveland Plain Dealer that one of the 5 anarchists suspected of plotting to bomb a bridge in Cleveland was a signatory on the lease of a warehouse associated with Occupy Cleveland. The Plain Dealer writes:

One of the five self-described anarchists arrested last week for attempting to blow up a local bridge signed the lease for a West Side warehouse where about a dozen members of the Occupy Cleveland group live.

In a one-hour recording of a Friday evening general assembly meeting of the group posted on its website https://occupycleveland.com/live-stream/, occupy leaders expressed concern about Anthony Hayne's name being on the lease, which strengthens his link to the group.

There you have it. The first definitive piece of evidence of the Occupy movement's involvement in a terrorist plot. Do you care to revise your statement of praise Minority Leader Pelosi?

Since the kids are all about the info graphics these days, I decided to provide a visual aid that should put the nail in Occupy's coffin as a serious political movement.


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