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The Funny Way One Dad Handled His 6-Year-Old Girl's Temper Tantrum Could Make Him Your New Favorite Parent
Image source: YouTube

The Funny Way One Dad Handled His 6-Year-Old Girl's Temper Tantrum Could Make Him Your New Favorite Parent

"Stop it!"

Children's temper tantrums. They're a fact of life. But when one little girl was screaming and crying recently, rather than getting frustrated or yelling back, her father took a different route.

Instead of rebuking his daughter, he decided to "lip sync" and act out her entire tantrum -- and record it on video. A clip of the faux fit is now nearing 1 million views on YouTube.

In the video, the unnamed father can be seen imitating his daughter as she shrieks and cries off-camera. While much of the tantrum is unintelligible, the little girl can be heard repeatedly screaming, "Stop it!" as her father ignores her and unrelentingly mimics her cries.

Image source: YouTube

Originally posted Oct. 11, the video, "40-year-old tantrum," is 49 seconds long and was uploaded by a woman, Kathy Sterner, who says she's the little girl's mother.

"My 6-year-old daughter had been in her room wigging out for about an hour, and there was no talking her down. I was getting fed up, so my husband decided to lighten the mood," reads the description accompanying the video.

The mother insisted her daughter is "not typically a beast child" and this was just a "rough day" for the little girl.

Watch the clip below:

Many YouTube commenters wrote in that they found the father's antics endearing.

"HILARIOUS!!!! that's awesome I should so do this to my son next time he [decides] to go all whiny whiny scream scream lol," one user wrote.

"This made my day!" added another.

Image source: YouTube

Others, though, didn't find the video funny.

"Maybe you should address the underlying reason why your child cries for one hour over something. Or you could mock and laugh at them and upload a video onto youtube for 'support,'" said an unimpressed viewer.

"Personally I didn't find this funny as being laughed at when you're in such a bad mood isn't funny. But it's still better than the alternative," wrote another.

What do you think? Let us know below.



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Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell is a digital TV host and interviewer for Faithwire and CBN News and the co-host of CBN’s "Quick Start Podcast."