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'Absolutely Sickening': Blaze Readers React to Obama’s Controversial Charleston Comments
President Barack Obama speaks about the shooting deaths of nine people at a historically black church in Charleston, S.C., June 18, 2015. (Image source: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)

'Absolutely Sickening': Blaze Readers React to Obama’s Controversial Charleston Comments

"We've had more incidents like this only since you've been in office because you have succeeded in dividing our country racially, economically, politically, morally and ethically."

TheBlaze posted a story earlier this week about President Obama’s response to the shooting in Charleston, South Carolina, in which nine black people were killed in a church.

President Barack Obama speaks about the shooting deaths of nine people at a historically black church in Charleston, S.C., June 18, 2015. (Image source: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)

Some of Obama's statements were controversial. He said Americans need to recognize that “this type of mass violence doesn’t happen in other advanced countries. I’ve had to make statements like this too many times. Communities like this have had to endure tragedies like this too many times.”

“We don’t have all the facts, but we do know that, once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun,” Obama continued. “But let’s be clear: At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency. And it is in our power to do something about it.”

Here's what some readers of TheBlaze had to say about Obama's comments:


That’s BO: the only president to seize every tragedy as an opportunity to denounce our country.


His Muslims never ever go shooting people for cartoons in France, bomb embassies in Australia, etc. Always on his agenda to take things from people. Never let a good tragedy go to waste.


Dear Obozo,

You will never get our guns no matter how much you try and spin the REFUTABLE facts. Molon Labe to you sir… Molon Labe to you.


American Patriots


I hate to break it to you, Barry, but those who want to inflict harm will always be able to get their hands on guns. That is exactly why the rest of us need to be able to get our hands on guns.


He is a moron and a liar. The guy had access to a gun. Okay. What if he had used a pressure cooker instead of a gun, like the guys at the Boston marathon bombing? Does that mean we need to address how we think about pressure cookers in America?

What I want to know is this:


Why was nobody packing heat at that church? Why didn’t anybody shoot the guy who opened fire? Why wasn’t there any defense taken against the murderer? The witnesses claim that the shooter spent time explaining why he was doing what he was doing, something about how they were to blame for raping women. Why didn’t anybody take a shot at him during his little speech?

One day, when the Kingdom of God reigns supreme, and the lion lies down with the lamb, I’ll gladly lock away all my weapons and ammo and repeal the Second Amendment. But until that day comes, people need to be armed to defend not just themselves, but others as well.


So what was Charlie Hebdo? The Islamic version of “Tag”?


“I’ve had to make statements like this too many times,” Obama said Thursday. “Communities like this have had to endure tragedies like this too many times.”

We've had this problem in the past on a few occasions, but ever since you, Obama, have become president, the frequency has increased by over 1,000 percent. The fault with these occurrences is your intent to cause racial problems and discontent with society. You, Ma’am, are the problem.


We don’t see this type of violence happening in other advanced countries? You, sir, are either galactically stupid or pure evil. Actually, I think you’re both — which makes you the most dangerous kind of stupid. The slaughter of Christians in Syria, Egypt, Iran? The slaughter of innocents in Israel? Anders Breivik in Norway? Charlie Hebdo? You seriously believe your own vile lies and propaganda that comes out of that sewer of yours, don’t you? Shame on your for using the revered office of the presidency to insult and degrade this country. YOU are a true enemy of the United States, sir, who is aiding and abetting ALL the enemies of the United States. You are a saboteur and a disgrace. Shame on your for using true tragedies such as this to advance your own political agenda. We've had more incidents like this only since you've been in office because you have succeeded in dividing our country racially, economically, politically, morally and ethically. You have done more than all presidents combined to tear apart the very fabric of our country – a one-man demolition crew. And by the way, when you say, “we don’t have all the facts,” that’s when you need to shut the hell up and keep the propaganda to yourself.


It’s funny how when one person commits a crime with a gun they want to take away the right to bear arms from all the law-abiding and responsible people. Our founders had more to fear from armed citizens yet chose to trust them. Today’s politicians have little to fear from us being armed but they have no trust in us.


Gun violence is not the problem. The problem is hate and a lack of respect for others and other’s property — something our government shows on a daily basis. Nobody just wakes up one day and says "I am going to go shoot people." Hatred and disrespect build up in people until it becomes so bad they act on it. You can thank liberal progressives and our federal government for this mentality.


“We don’t have all the facts, but we know that once again innocent people were harmed because someone who wanted to inflict harm was able to get their hands on a gun.”

BO, you could stop and shut up after you said, "We don’t have all the facts."

But that won’t happen because you and your ilk don’t need facts, just tidbits of unsubstantiated info to feed your BS narrative.


How many times have we heard the same number of people being gunned down in the streets of Chicago during a weekend, and Barry never talks about that…


We don’t have all the facts, but we’re going for your guns.


If our gun laws are responsible for the nine deaths late yesterday afternoon, our guns laws are also responsible for all of the stories I read every few days where a legal gun owner stops a would-be burglar, would-be rapist, would-be murderer in their tracks.

If guns are universally bad for society, why is it that they help save so many?

Because they are tools. A hammer can be used to build a house — or put a hole in a person’s skull. A piece of PVC pipe can be used to provide water irrigation — or can be filled with household chemicals and turned into a weapon of mass destruction. A gun can be used to save a life — or take it.

This is basic common sense, and one has to wonder why such smart people can’t understand this concept. But taking a gun away from a crazy person intent on killing people leaves you with...a crazy person who is still intent on killing people.


And what have YOU, Barry, done to stop the racist attitudes of the people of this land? You are the president, and if anything, YOU have done more and more to keep the sentiments of racism alive and well.


Never let a crisis go to waste. It is absolutely sickening that he can push his agenda after such a tragedy. Pray for those folks in that community.

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Dave Urbanski

Dave Urbanski

Sr. Editor, News

Dave Urbanski is a senior editor for Blaze News.
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