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Hollywood's latest attempt to promote gun control flops at the box office
Screenshot from the Miss Sloan trailer

Hollywood's latest attempt to promote gun control flops at the box office

Gun control has seemingly been a losing fight for the left. As firearm purchases skyrocketed, Democrats such as one time presidential candidate Hillary Clinton were banging the drum for more gun control. As J.D. Tuccille at Reason pointed out before Clinton's loss during the election that her "attack on a cherished freedom picks a fight with millions of Americans—and with reality."

It's a lesson Hollywood hasn't seemed to learn either, as their recent attempt at pushing the gun control has fallen flatter than crepe beneath a steamroller.

"Miss Sloane" was supposed to be a movie about a brave, no-nonsense woman who took on the NRA in an attempt to lobby for universal background checks. In the movie, Elizabeth — played by Jessica Chastain — is asked by her firm to create messaging for women to turn them against background checks. She refuses, and instead leaves her high paying job to selflessly fight for the gun control lobby attempting to pass the expansive background check law.

Here's the trailer:

According to Deadline, the film cost $13 million to produce, yet it only managed to tank disastrously with only $1.9 million gathered from 1,648 locations. With their initial projection to be $5 million box office, it's safe to say the film didn't do well amongst audiences.

Despite it doing so horrendously at the box office, the film itself won a Golden Globe nomination for "Best Actress" for Chastain's performance.

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