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'Absolute horror': A 63-year-old man loses 'liters of blood' from mouth and nose before dying aboard Lufthansa flight
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'Absolute horror': A 63-year-old man loses 'liters of blood' from mouth and nose before dying aboard Lufthansa flight

A 63-year-old man reportedly died while on a Lufthansa flight earlier this week traveling from Bangkok to Munich. The man lost "liters of blood" in a scene that horrified those aboard the flight, according to the New York Post.

The unidentified man who passed away boarded the flight on Thursday with his wife. Passengers Martin and Karin Missfelder — who sat diagonal from the man — told Blick that the man looked unwell when he initially got on the plane.

Karin said the man "had cold sweats" and "was breathing much too quickly," according to a translation of the interview. Though the man's wife said he did not look well because they had to hurry to catch the flight, the man's symptoms still worried the crew.

Even though the flight crew was worried about the man, they allowed him to remain on the flight. But Karin — who is a nursing specialist at the University Hospital in Switzerland — told Blick that her worries about the man persisted. She suggested that a physician should check on the man.

Following the request, the plane's captain spoke to the man, according to the Daily Mail.

Karin said: "He then called for a doctor over the loudspeaker and a young, around 30-year-old man from Poland with poor English looked at the German." However, the physician did not appear to do much more than take the man's pulse and ask him how he was feeling.

Shortly after, the man's health became worse.

"They then gave him a little chamomile tea, but he already spit blood into the bag that his wife held out to him," Martin said. And then blood flowed from the man's nose and mouth. The man reportedly lost "liters of blood," some of which landed on the walls of the aircraft.

Martin went on to say that the situation was "absolute horror," adding that "[e]veryone was screaming." And while the flight crew tried to resuscitate the man, the plane remained "dead quiet," according to Karin.

Reports noted that the flight had departed from Bangkok International Airport at 12:07 a.m. before diverting back amid the chaos involving the man. Karin went on to tell Blick that the man, who had by then passed away, was moved into the galley as the plane landed back at the airport.

The man's death on the plane was confirmed by Lufthansa.

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