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Rick Scott announces bid to serve as the next Senate Republican leader
Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

Rick Scott announces bid to serve as the next Senate Republican leader

'It's no secret that Republican voters believe we don't fight hard enough for the issues they care about,' Scott noted.

Sen. Rick Scott of Florida announced a bid to serve as the next Senate Republican leader, a position currently occupied by Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky who announced earlier this year that his current term as Senate Republican leader would be his last in that role.

"Rarely do we work in concert with Republicans in the House, and the Senate far too often passes legislation that is supported by 100% of the Democrats, and only a quarter of our Republican Conference," Scott noted in a note to colleagues, according to a copy of the message posted on X by Axios' Stef Kight.

'I believe we need a dramatic sea change to save our country.'

"We too often take votes that divide us and unite Democrats. Republicans all across America want the Republicans they elected to the U.S. Senate to stop caving in to Democrat demands," Scott noted. "Senate Republican leadership should reflect the views and aspirations of Republican voters. It's no secret that Republican voters believe we don't fight hard enough for the issues they care about."

"This is not a time to make small adjustments, I believe we need a dramatic sea change to save our country and that's why I'm running to be Republican leader," he declared.

Sens. John Cornyn of Texas and John Thune of South Dakota have previously indicated that they would like to land the Senate Republican leader role.

Scott is seeking re-election to the Senate this year. Prior to serving as a U.S. senator, he served as Florida governor.

GOP Sen. Mike Lee of Utah described Scott as "a dear friend and a true conservative" but noted, "We're six months away from this leadership election, which will take place a few weeks after the general election in November. I won't make a final decision on how I'll vote until we've had a full opportunity to hear from each candidate."

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Alex Nitzberg

Alex Nitzberg

Alex Nitzberg is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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