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COVID response doesn't even rank in top 5 most important issues to voters. Economy stays No. 1: poll
Photo by Sean Rayford/Getty Images

COVID response doesn't even rank in top 5 most important issues to voters. Economy stays No. 1: poll

Some things never change

If you consume only the mainstream media and follow only the social media posts Facebook and Twitter let you see, you probably think the sole issue impacting the 2020 presidential election is the government's response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The networks, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and nearly every other liberal-leaning outlet want Americans to believe that the only things that matter in this election are that President Donald Trump refuses to wear a mask, Vice President Mike Pence failed in his leadership of the White House Coronavirus Task Force (not to mention his reported opposition to having plexiglass at the vice presidential debate Wednesday night), and the White House is a COVID-19 cesspool.

But it turns out the issues American voters consider most important in the election are the issues they've long considered the most important, a new Gallup poll revealed. And the No. 1 issue for voters hasn't changed: "It's the economy, stupid."

That's not to say the coronavirus response isn't important to voters — it is — but it sure doesn't rank where one might expect considering the level of coverage it has received.

What are the top 5 issues?

Of 16 issues Americans said were either "extremely important" or "very important" to their vote for president, the economy came in as the clear top issue at 89% (44% "extremely"; 45% "very). It was followed by terrorism and national security (83%), education (82%), health care (80%), and crime (79%).

Top 5 most important issues for 2020 election

No. 1: Economy — 89%
No. 2: Terrorism and National Security — 83%
No. 3: Education — 82%
No. 4: Health Care — 80%
No. 5: Crime — 79%

Where did the COVID response rank?

Don't let the fact that the coronavirus response's ranking is seemingly incongruous with the media coverage it has received fool you.

The fact that other topics were considered more important does not mean the coronavirus is not a concern for voters. In fact, more than three-quarters of Americans say it's an issue important to their vote.

The response to the coronavirus came in sixth place on the most-important-issues ranking (77%), followed closely by race relations (76%).

Partisan breakdown

When broken down by political party, the results are not terribly surprising.

For Democrats, the five most important issues are health care (95%), coronavirus response (93%), relations (89%), climate change (88%), and the economy (85%)

Among Republicans, the top five issues are the economy (93%), terrorism and national security (93%), crime (85%), education (79%), and gun policy (76%).

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