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January 6ers trade PRISON stories following political persecution

January 6ers trade PRISON stories following political persecution

Everyone knows the iconic photo of the smiling man holding a lectern on January 6, but not everyone knows his story — particularly his prison story.

And as Dallas filmmaker and January 6 protester Luke Coffee awaits another prison sentence for his participation on that fateful day, “Lectern Guy” Adam Johnson feels inclined to share.

“The cooking’s the best part of it,” Johnson tells Coffee and BlazeTV host of "Prime Time with Alex Stein" Alex Stein.

“You work throughout the week, and then the weekends come and everyone comes together. You cook food, cheesecake," Johnson says.

“Where I was put first sounds a lot worse than where you were. We didn’t have any cheesecake and we had hooch,” Coffee says, adding, “I was in a condemned prison in the middle of Texas, like in small-town Texas, and I was the only J6er in there, with, you know, all high-level felons, so it was a little different story.”

“That sounds more of like a country club experience,” Coffee tells Johnson. “So I’m hoping for that.”

Coffee's time served was anything but a country club experience.

“My guard was ‘Meth Mouth,’ like he was passing drugs the whole time, and there were eight of us in there. Eight of us in a 15x30 cell and it was still COVID, so we didn’t get tablets,” Coffee explains. “We got to go to the yard six times, and it was mainly brothers, and my Mexicano brothers too.”

While Johnson had a different experience, it was tough for him at times as well.

“You know, the rest of the week is awful, but you get those little moments where you feel like maybe you’re not in prison for 15-20 minutes. You’re cooking, you’re talking about sports,” Johnson says, to Coffee's surprise.

“I think you have God in your heart ‘cause you have a joyful attitude,” Coffee comments, while Stein agrees.

“100%,” Stein says, adding, “He’s the most positive guy that I’ve seen when it comes to January 6.”

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