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How has Tulsi gone from Bernie supporter to possible Trump VP pick?
Steven Ferdman | Getty Images

How has Tulsi gone from Bernie supporter to possible Trump VP pick?

In 2016, the last place former Democratic congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard thought she would be now is addressing rumors that she might be Donald Trump’s pick for vice president.

But Gabbard, who shockingly supported Bernie Sanders in 2016, is now in that very spot.

“I’m not going to ask you anything other than have you had a conversation with him about being vice president,” Glenn Beck asks, curious.

“I’ve spoken to him. I won’t talk about what we spoke about,” Gabbard tells Glenn, adding that she “would serve” in a Trump administration if it was in a capacity she felt she “could actually be effective in helping to get our country back.”

“Can you help me out on understanding the Bernie Sanders to, you know, ‘I’d be willing to serve in a Trump administration?’” Glenn asks.

“I’m glad you asked,” Gabbard says, “because it is, on its face, kind of a big mental leap. But when you actually look at the reason when I made that announcement back in 2016 to resign as vice chair of the DNC, so that I could get involved in that Democratic presidential primary, I focused on one thing.”

Though Gabbard admits Sanders has changed a lot since she supported him, she stands by the reason she used to support him.

“I announced my endorsement of Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton around foreign policy,” she says. "There was a very clear contrast between Hillary Clinton, the queen of warmongers and Bernie Sanders, who has for a long time largely been more of a non-interventionist.”

“As an American citizen, as a soldier, and a veteran of various wars and conflicts, I felt strongly about the fact that Hillary Clinton would be the most dangerous president and commander in chief for our country, our freedom, our security, and our liberty.”

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