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Report: New Information Will Soon Prove Hillary Clinton Took the Fall for Obama in Libya Security Debacle

Report: New Information Will Soon Prove Hillary Clinton Took the Fall for Obama in Libya Security Debacle

"at best, a late and half-hearted admission of culpability."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Photo Credit: AP)

The drama and angst surrounding the Libyan terror attack against the American consulate is far from over. On Monday, President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney will face-off for one, final debate -- the subject of which will be foreign policy. While one can expect that the issue of Libya will be discussed in great detail, new, notable allegations about Benghazi are being waged this week by Ed Klein, author of "The Amateur."

While Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stepped forward last week and assumed "full responsibility" for security leading up to the attack, Obama also publicly took blame during this week's presidential debate. In an op-ed published on The Daily Caller, though, Klein lambasted Obama's acceptance of responsibility, calling it "at best, a late and half-hearted admission of culpability." He wrote:

Indeed, President Obama waited weeks before dropping the administration’s false story — which he floated in the Rose Garden, at the United Nations, on “The View” and on “The Letterman Show” — that the attack was the result of a spontaneous uprising and not an al Qaida-linked terrorist attack.

What’s more, in making his acknowledgement of fault, he couched his admission in such a way that the weight of blame still fell squarely on the shoulders of Hillary Clinton, not him.

Klein, who is apparently leaving no stone unturned in his quest for the truth on the Libya matter, claims to have spoken with members of Clinton's inner circle -- individuals who leaked some fascinating details. According to the author, in the wake of the attack, Bill and Hillary Clinton brought together a team of legal experts to help them figure out a way to prevent the Benghazi tragedy from being a permanent blemish on Clinton's record.

Photo Credit: AP

This, according to Klein, was a quest undertaken with 2016 in mind. The lawyers' goal was to purportedly craft a path to clearing Hillary of wrongdoing or complacency so that a future run for the White House would be unfettered and the Libya issue, at least for her sake, would be put to rest. In the end, the Clintons' team came to the conclusion, Klein writes, that the Obama administration intended to deflect blame to Hillary.

According to his sources, the author claims that Clinton's admission of fault was politically-calculated and crafted as a means of making her appear more presidential than Obama -- who had seemingly avoided responsibility before the debate. In the end, after reviewing cables between Libya and Washington, the legal team allegedly concluded that Clinton will eventually be exonerated; she apparently gave orders to bolster security in Benghazi -- mandates that were never carried out -- and the wires prove her innocence.

Once they go public, either through leaks or Congressional investigations, the public will learn that fault doesn't belong with the secretary of state. Instead, someone else in the administration apparently dropped the ball. Thus, Klein's sources tell him that Clinton believes the blame will instantly shift to Obama and away from her.




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Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell is a digital TV host and interviewer for Faithwire and CBN News and the co-host of CBN’s "Quick Start Podcast."