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Glenn Beck Reveals the Candidate He Believes Has the 'Gravitas' to Win the Election

Glenn Beck Reveals the Candidate He Believes Has the 'Gravitas' to Win the Election

"So you got the best of both worlds right there."

Glenn Beck predicted Friday that he believes conservative voters will look to Republican presidential candidate Texas Sen. Ted Cruz "when it comes down to it," because he has the "gravitas" to win the election.

"I think it's going to be Cruz when it comes down to it," he said on The Glenn Beck Radio Program. "When you go in and you have to vote and you're looking at today's world, who do you think has the gravitas to really pull this off?"

Beck went on to say he believes Cruz is "serious enough" to be president of the United States during what he describes as an "Abraham Lincoln-style time."

Beck's comments come as the latest national CNN/ORC poll showcases GOP front-runner Donald Trump's 20-point lead over any other Republican contenders. The new poll puts Trump at 36 percent, Cruz at 16 percent, retired-neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 14 percent and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio at 12 percent.

However, in the latest Iowa Republican presidential caucus poll, Trump is at 25 percent and Cruz is at 23 percent, putting the two candidates in a statistical tie. Additionally, the latest poll out of New Hampshire positions Cruz in second place behind Trump, 13 percent to 27 percent, respectively.

Beck co-host Pat Gray suggested that many Trump supporters would like Cruz's position on immigration.

"Cruz has already said, 'Hey, elect me president, and I will appoint Donald Trump to build the wall on the border.'  So you got the best of both worlds right there," Gray said.

Beck pointed out that Cruz has for months been calling on President Barack Obama to arm the Kurdish forces to fight against the Islamic State in the Middle East. The radio host contrasted the senator's position against Trump's, which "up until Paris" was to let Russia fight the Islamic State.

"You now see — now Donald Trump has gone towards Ted Cruz," Beck concluded. "You see which one understands the Middle East, understands what we're doing."

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Follow Tré Goins-Phillips (@tregp) on Twitter


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