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NFL star Benjamin Watson is producing a pro-life documentary to 'unveil the truth about abortion'
Photo by Kathryn Riley/Getty Images

NFL star Benjamin Watson is producing a pro-life documentary to 'unveil the truth about abortion'

'I believe in the sanctity of life, be it in the womb or on your deathbed'

New England Patriots tight end Benjamin Watson is putting the finishing touches on a documentary about abortion, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Watson, a pro-life Christian who has been vocal on the issue of abortion in the past, said he never expected to be involved in making a movie, but the frenzy around the issue could not be ignored.

"It seems this issue — which has always been a part of our national consciousness — has ramped up recently," he told The Hollywood Reporter.

"Things are at a fever pitch," he added. "My goal is to unveil the truth about abortion, the laws, the history and where our country is headed. I believe in the sanctity of life, be it in the womb or on your deathbed. That's my conviction. But with the film, I'll engage those who disagree and hear their reasoning. The No. 1 thing I'm looking for is empathy on both sides."

What about the documentary?

In the documentary, "Divided Hearts of America," Watson interviews roughly 30 Americans with a variety of perspectives on the issue, including prominent Americans such as Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson and Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Along the lines of his goal of producing empathy on both sides, Watson added that he hopes those castigated for their pro-life views would receive better treatment from the cultural left.

"Dissenting views should be respected and in fact encouraged. There are many people in Hollywood who would consider themselves pro-life but they feel as though their viewpoint is unacceptable in the industry," Watson said. "No one should feel like their job is in danger because of their convictions on this issue."

The documentary's budget is less than $1 million and it is financed by a few donors along with the Christian charity he runs with his wife called the One More Foundation.

What's the background?

You may remember Watson's high profile dust-up with Alyssa Milano last May after the pro-choice actress argued laws restricting abortion especially injure "women of color."

Watson stood up to Milano, tweeting that her claims revealed "ignorance, racism, or some combination of both."

The two settled the matter when Milano tweeted in reply: "If you'd like to discuss further, please DM me. My door & heart are always open."

Watson's film was in production at the time of the exchange, The Hollywood Reporter noted, and Watson reportedly told Milano about his intentions of producing a film about abortion in America.

Earlier in the year, Watson also called on men to step up to prevent abortions, saying, "men are protectors" and "providers."

"Many women would not be seeking abortions if the men involved in their lives were doing what they were supposed to be doing," he told Fox News host Martha MacCallum. "And that's a challenge to myself, that's a challenge to all men who are listening, that's a challenge to men everywhere to step up."

What else?

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Watson is currently negotiating with distributors about the film and said that some groups have already guaranteed they'd be buying out theaters.

Watson, who may be retiring this year after 15 seasons in the NFL, called his recent movie-making venture a "fun learning experience."

"This is my first foray into filmmaking," he added. "But, hopefully not my last."

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