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'I'm very embarrassed to be American': Watch soccer fans who shouted 'F*** Trump' on Fox after World Cup give post-chant interviews

Image source: Twitter video screenshot

'I'm very embarrassed to be American': Watch soccer fans who shouted 'F*** Trump' on Fox after World Cup give post-chant interviews

The fans heard round the world had some pretty embarrassing things to say, themselves.

After the U.S. women's national soccer team took a second consecutive World Cup trophy on Sunday, there was widespread celebration from Americans around the world, both on television and on social media.

Naturally, there are always apples that spoil the bunch, and in this case it was rowdy fans in the background of a live Fox News Channel shot from a bar in France. Afterward, the gang was interviewed about the moment. But before we get to that scintillating clip, here's the Fox News shot that went mega-viral on Sunday afternoon.

Naturally, here's a great big LANGUAGE WARNING before you click play.

[ia_video https://s3.amazonaws.com/roar-assets-auto.rbl.ms/runner%2F13137-Crowd-Chants-Eff-Trump.mp4 source="https://s3.amazonaws.com/roar-assets-auto.rbl.ms/runner%2F13137-Crowd-Chants-Eff-Trump.mp4" attribution="Fox News" videoControls=true shortcode_id=1562551586229 expand=1 ]

The video went everywhere, and verified people like video producer for MoveOn, Sarah Pearlman, who first shared it, thought it was just the bee's knees, as the kids say. As you can imagine, there were a number of other verified Twitter accounts on the left that found the clip delightful.

But it wasn't the end of the story. You may have thought it was a passing or momentary outburst from folks a little drunk and a lot excited, and bound to result in a bit of regret by those accidentally made famous when the clip went viral.

But nope.

Irish blog/online newspaper JOE.co,uk caught up with the revelers and interviewed them shortly after the clip was heard round the world, and talked with them about it, about America, and in some ways, talked a little bit about the actual sporting event that took place.

""Right now I'm very embarrassed to be American," said the fan JOE identified as having started the "F*** Trump" chant.

The others weren't much better. These obviously millennial Americans had put on quite an international show with their mantra, and the interviews they gave afterward had almost as much substance.

"I mean, I think our team really represents what America is about," said the ringleader, in a red but non-MAGA baseball cap that had a non-Betsy Ross American flag on it. "So we have diversity racially, we have an LGBTQ population represented, and that's what Americans get behind."

"So, I think Trump is really the old guard and it's kind of the last grasp for them to keep power," he continued. "But power should be divided amongst everyone."

The next person interviewed was a female fan, whose remarks consisted in the main of observing that the players are also female.

After that was a young male fan, who explained how female fans should feel now that the World Cup has presented a great opportunity for them to see "their idols" on a big stage for the first time ever in this, the team's fourth win.

They cut back to the red American flag hat-wearing ringleader, who said it's "definitely a risk taking a political stance" that may 'alienate some fans", but that "whether it's [Megan] Rapinoe, whether it's NBA stars like LeBron [James] or Steph Curry, it's gotta come from the population." It's not exactly clear what that meant, but his easy command of current NBA news shows what a true fan of sport he is.

"Hopefully in 2020, there'll be a different story, because right now, I'm very embarrassed to be American," the sports expert jock said thoughtfully. "it's time for people in our country to stop believing all these lies. It's really depressing that there are those that are so uneducated that they'll believe everything he says."

The rocket science continued with the next interviewee, who said that "so far as this tournament's been going, I think it's been huge for the women in general." He also added that he thinks "this tournament and this game is just going to be very impactful."

As that engaging fellow went off, presumably to chew on a pipe and contemplate the whirling, transient nodes of thought careening through a cosmic vapor of invention that were aglow in his mind, the JOE cameras turned next to another American youth, this one in mirrored sunglasses, who discussed the increasing popularity of women's soccer as evidenced by the fact he saw so many Americans there in Europe across "an entirely different sea."

Next, they cut back to the young woman from earlier in the video who'd observed that the women's soccer team members were women. In her second shot at the camera, she said that the tournament is "huge" already, "just because the viewership and the attendance of the games."

The clip ends with a shot from the bar as the crowd sings "We Are the Champions," although based on the discussion, it's not exactly clear who "we" is supposed to be.

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Caleb Howe

Caleb Howe
