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Jill Biden SCARED Trump will end public education; ban pornographic books from schools
Brandon Bell | Getty Images

Jill Biden SCARED Trump will end public education; ban pornographic books from schools

While President Joe Biden struggles in the polls almost as badly as he does forming a coherent sentence, Jill Biden is attempting to show her husband in a more positive light.

The first lady claimed Saturday that the future of public education in America depends on whether or not the president is re-elected, telling the crowd that “Donald Trump doesn’t want to strengthen our public education system, he wants to destroy it.”

“A world in which public schools are privatized and their funding is gutted, teachers unions are marginalized and lesson plans are censored and books are banned. In America, we don’t ban books,” she continued.

“If Donald Trump is elected, we get chaos and division,” she added for additional dramatic effect.

Though meant to instill fear in the American people, it’s not working on Sara Gonzales.

“I already said I was in, like you couldn’t be selling this harder for me. If I didn’t know any better, I would think these people were plants to psyop people into voting for Donald Trump,” Gonzales says, adding, “That sounds awesome.”

“You’re telling me Donald Trump wants to destroy the institution that you guys built that isn’t teaching our kids reading, writing, arithmetic. It’s not teaching them how to critically think,” she continues.

And not only are American children being inundated with “pornographic material” and “which fake pronouns to use,” billions of taxpayer dollars are going toward what Gonzales calls a “failed system.”

“In America, we do actually care and wish to keep our children away from pornographic material,” Gonzales adds.

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