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Jon Stewart Attacks Marcus Bachmann's Sexuality

Jon Stewart Attacks Marcus Bachmann's Sexuality

"This man is an Izod shirt away from being the gay character on Modern Family."

Following the controversy surrounding a clinic that is owned by presidential candidate, and Minnesota congresswoman, Michele Bachmann and her husband Dr. Marcus Bachmann, accusations and commentary have begun to turn ugly. Pundits and celebrities, alike, are taking to Twitter and to the airwaves to criticize both methodology and -- sexuality. Gawker writes:

After [Wednesday's] Daily Show, we can add Jon Stewart to the ever-growing list of people who can't help but wonder if Marcus Bachmann, husband to Republican presidential candidate Michele and runner of a pray-the-gay-away facility, may be a little light in the loafers.

After explaining the clinic controversy and showing some video of the Bachmanns dancing at a "Tea Party event," Stewart quips:

"That's the guy teaching people not to be gay? Seriously? Is he...is that the guy...is he teaching people not to be gay or is he like the green mile guy and just absorbing it all?

...This man is an Izod shirt away from being the gay character on Modern Family...of course one of them is a straight man pretending to be gay.

Just because Dr. Bachmann's therapy does real damage to real people...and he is seemingly curing them so he can hoard all the gayness for himself..."

Watch Stewarts comments below [Content WARNING: contains some adult themes and discussion]:

Yesterday, The Second City Network released a parody video that also targets Dr. Bachmann's sexuality. The clip, which is probably intended to be taken lightly but is harsh nonetheless, makes fun of the way Bachmann talks and alludes to the notion that he is hiding his sexuality:

Of course, neither of these videos serve as outliers. There are plenty of individuals -- mainly on the left side of the aisle -- who have made similar disparaging comments about the presidential candidate's husband.

Filed under the "Mysteries" on the Gawker web site, writer Lauri Apple covers the celebrities and personalities who have slammed Dr. Bachmann thus far. Here are a few from her list:

Cher, who used her Twitter the other day to riff on Bachmann (as the gay news website Towleroad noticed).

The Daily Show co-creator and satirist Lizz Winstead, who tweeted that Bachmann is "the white Al Reynolds."

James Urbaniak of The Venture Brothers, who Tumbled: "It's pretty much a given that the most vociferously homophobic men are usually repressing something. But, oh Mary, Michele Bachmann's husband Marcus takes the ever-loving cake. He's a cure-the-gay therapist out of a John Waters movie. I haven't seen flames this high since the last California wildfire..."

Keith Olbermannreferred to Bachmann as a "bizarre-sounding man who's calling gays 'barbarians'" and wonders how you can "hide" him without putting him in some sort of closet.

Also, someone launched a parody Twitter account, which is also being used -- surprise! -- to joke about Dr. Bachmann's sexuality. Here's the bio:

For the sake of not being repetitive, I won't spend time delving into the Tweets, as they fall in line with what's been shown already. These attacks on Dr. Bachmann's character -- and sexuality -- seem to be increasing with time.

The mean-spirited commentary is likely a collective response to"reparative therapy" and its alleged use at his clinic. While those in opposition to Bachmann are certainly entitled to their opinions, one can't help but wonder if there are more appropriate ways to respond to differing ideals.

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Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell

Billy Hallowell is a digital TV host and interviewer for Faithwire and CBN News and the co-host of CBN’s "Quick Start Podcast."