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CIA Web Site is Down, Hackers Purportedly Take Responsibility

CIA Web Site is Down, Hackers Purportedly Take Responsibility

"They're getting nothing but the attacks continue."

The hackers (or hacktivists, depending on who you're talking to) are at it again. According to a report published by Reuters, these online masterminds have once again broken into the Senate's public web site.

Yesterday, The Blaze reported on Lulz Security's first purported hack. While sources aren't yet 100 percent sure it was the same group responsible for today's breach, officials are saying that no important data were accessed. Reuters reports:

This attack was similar in that hackers broke into the public site and downloaded information, said Martina Bradford, the deputy Senate sergeant at arms. The Sergeant at Arms Office provides security for the Senate.

"They're getting nothing but the attacks continue," said Bradford. "We've been able to stay ahead of the hackers and keep them out of the main Senate network.

But, this latest operation wasn't limited to the Senate. The Next Web (TNW) is reporting that the CIA's web site is also unresponsive. As of 7 p.m. Eastern time, The Blaze was also unable to access the site. TNW writes:

At this time, CIA.gov, the official site of the Central Intelligence Agency, is also unresponsive to browsing and we have reason to believe it has faced the same fate as the other prominent sites. LulzSec has seemed to claim responsibility for the CIA site going down with this Tweet...

You can find an image of the corroborating Tweet below:

CNET confirms that the CIA's web site is offline and writes:

Apparently the group [Lulz Security] is bent on going after the spookiest of the spooky powers-that-be, but still has time for other side lulz, like taking down magnets.com and flooding the company's phone lines. "...we called them and they wouldn't tell us how magnets worked," the group explained in a tweet announcing the hack earlier today.

Who will fall victim to their antics next? We shall see.

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