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AOC poses with Libs of TikTok founder — who then shocks Dem lawmaker with notice of ethics complaint
Image source: Twitter @libsoftiktok screenshot

AOC poses with Libs of TikTok founder — who then shocks Dem lawmaker with notice of ethics complaint

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stormed off Thursday after being informed by the Libs of TikTok founder that she had filed an ethics complaint against the Democratic lawmaker.

What is the background?

At a House Oversight and Accountability Committee on Feb. 8, Ocasio-Cortez accused Libs of TikTok creator Chaya Raichik of lying when she circulated claims that Boston Children's Hospital is "now offering 'gender affirming hysterectomies' for young girls."

Ocasio-Cortez also claimed that Raichik's lying had "culminated in real life harassment and ultimately a bomb threat to the Boston Children's Hospital."

Fact-checks affirmed claims that Raichik spread false information. But Raichik has defended herself from such accusations, defense which culminated with an ethics complaint against Ocasio-Cortez.

What happened with AOC?

On Thursday, Raichik stopped by Ocasio-Cortez's office in the Cannon House Office Building to deliver the ethics complaint personally. Ocasio-Cortez, unfortunately, was not present at the time, so Raichik delivered it to one of her staff members.

But as luck would have it, Raichik later ran into Ocasio-Cortez as she walked through the Capitol.

Raichik stopped Ocasio-Cortez and posed for a photo. As both women were smiling for the picture, Raichik informed Ocasio-Cortez about the ethics complaint. That's when the Democratic lawmaker insulted Raichik and ran away.

"I just delivered a complaint to your office because you lied about me in a committee hearing," Raichik told Ocasio-Cortez. "I never inspired a bomb threat."

"No. You are actually super transphobic, and I never want to share a space with you! Thank you," Ocasio-Cortez responded as she hurried off.

What does the ethics complaint say?

The ethics complaint, according to Fox News, accuses Ocasio-Cortez of violating House ethics rules by "knowingly and intentionally defaming Chaya Raichik, creator of the viral Libs of TikTok account, falsely accusing her of lying and disseminating disinformation."

The complaint also defends the substance of Raichik's accusation against Boston Children's Hospital. Fox News explained:

The nine-page complaint defends Raichik’s view that Boston Children’s Hospital performs gender-affirming hysterectomies on young girls. Aside from being the "premier pediatric hospital," Heritage noted that the hospital’s website notes that it performs gender-affirmation surgery to "eligible adolescents," and that the Journal of Clinical Medicine has documented that the hospital has "performed 65 double-mastectomies on minors over the course of three years."

Other material collected by Heritage shows that gender-affirmation surgery has been performed on patients as young as 15, and that the hospital "quietly changed its website to reflect that ‘genital surgeries are only performed on patients age 18 and older."

If it is determined that Ocasio-Cortez violated House ethics rules, the complaint urges the Office of Congressional Ethics to reprimand Ocasio-Cortez, make her apologize to Raichik, and strike her accusations from the congressional record.

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Chris Enloe

Chris Enloe

Staff Writer

Chris Enloe is a staff writer for Blaze News
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