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'Doctor Who' sheds even more viewers after gay dance club scenes and drag queen character lead to record-low ratings
Photos by Karwai Tang/WireImage/ABC/Heidi Gutman/Getty Images

'Doctor Who' sheds even more viewers after gay dance club scenes and drag queen character lead to record-low ratings

British BBC classic "Doctor Who" continued to plummet in the ratings as viewers catch wind of its ultraprogressive content.

Lead actor and Doctor Who character Ncuti Gatwa already had the second-worst premiere for a season of "Doctor Who" in December 2023's Christmas special titled, "The Church on Ruby Road." That episode had 4.7 million overnight viewers.

Then, after Gatwa told critical viewers that they shouldn't watch, the numbers dropped again.

"Don't watch. Turn off the TV. Go and touch grass, please, for God's sake," he told Variety. "As the world darkens — and I do think the world is darkening around queer rights — there is a joy and a celebration, and there’s a community," he continued.

Episode one, "Space Babies," along with episode two, "The Devil's Chord," significantly dropped off from the Christmas special, losing almost half its viewership with just 2.6 million and 2.4 million overnight viewers, respectively.

Episode three dropped another near-400,000 viewers, marking an even sharper decline in ratings than the previous episode. This created a brand-new low for the series with just 2.04 million overnight views.

As news circulates of the star, producer, and former lead actor professing their desire to push progressive sexual agendas, strange scenes from the television show have begun to emerge.

BlazeTV's Lauren Chen reviewed some of the irregular scenes from the Christmas special, an episode she said took just four minutes to introduce its first transgender character.

"Not only were we very quickly presented as viewers with a trans singer, but for some reason, the show’s writers also thought it would be appropriate and fun to portray this iteration of the Doctor as someone who, you know, likes to get down at gay dance clubs," Chen explained.

The Doctor Who character not only dances his heart out at a gay bar but also engages in a musical number, following a mention of a gay encounter with Harry Houdini.

"I spent a long, hot summer with Harry Houdini," Gatwa's character said after he's asked how he escaped being tied up so easily.

"I find the notion, 'get woke go broke' a bit cringe and boomer-esque. However it's undeniable that this is just another example of this outcome," said English commentator Lewis Brackpool.

"Without a fan base, the franchise dies. From 'Star Wars' to 'Doctor Who' and soon to be 'Romeo and Juliet,' it’s important to listen to them. It was only a few weeks back that David Tennant told fans to stop complaining, it was inevitable that this would happen."

Brackpool was referencing former "Doctor Who" lead actor David Tennant, who told critics of gender ideology to, "F*** off, and let people be!"

"It's that sense of just wanting people to be allowed to exist," the actor continued. "I think that there are now ways of expressing gender, identity, sexuality that are more nuanced than they once were. And that only seems to be positive. If that helps people to know who they are and say who they are and communicate to the world who they are ... that's just common sense, really."

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Andrew Chapados

Andrew Chapados

Andrew Chapados is a writer focusing on sports, culture, entertainment, gaming, and U.S. politics. The podcaster and former radio-broadcaster also served in the Canadian Armed Forces, which he confirms actually does exist.
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