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CNN’s Chris Cuomo receives furious backlash over his claim that calling Italians ‘Fredo’ is similar to using the N-word
Image source: Twitter video screenshot

CNN’s Chris Cuomo receives furious backlash over his claim that calling Italians ‘Fredo’ is similar to using the N-word

'It just means you're the dumb brother'

Conservatives have come out in droves to condemn CNN anchor Chris Cuomo's remarks that calling an Italian person "Fredo" is just as bad as calling a black person the N-word.

What is this 'Fredo' stuff?

A video of Cuomo went viral Monday night, featuring the news host squaring off with a man over the man's use of the "ethnic slur" in question. In the video, Cuomo can be heard chastising a man who called Cuomo "Fredo," which is a reference to a character in "The Godfather."

"Punk-ass b***h from the right call me 'Fredo,'" Cuomo can be heard saying. "My name is Chris Cuomo. I'm an anchor on CNN. 'Fredo' is from 'The Godfather.' He was a weak brother, and they use it as an Italian aspersion."

He can be heard asking others around him, "Any of you Italian? It's a f***ing insult to your people. It's an insult to your f***ing people! ... It's like the N-word for us!"

Cuomo later threatened to throw the man down the stairs before security broke up the altercation.

CNN released a statement defending Cuomo later that evening.

"Chris Cuomo defended himself when he was verbally attacked with the use of an ethnic slur in an orchestrated setup," the statement said. "We completely support him."

(Content warning: Rough language):

What are people saying about his rant?

A number of conservatives balked at Cuomo's insistence that "Fredo" is as bad as the N-word, including President Donald Trump and his son, Donald Trump Jr.

Here are some of the more interesting responses below.

"I thought Chris was Fredo also," the president tweeted. "The truth hurts. Totally lost it! Low ratings @CNN."

"Hey @ChrisCuomo, take it from me, 'Fredo' isn't the N word for Italians, it just means you're the dumb brother," Trump Jr. wrote.

Katrina Pierson also chimed in, "Did @ChrisCuomo just say that 'Fredo' is to Italians what the N word is to black people? [The] N word is a dehumanizing word used against blacks who endured years of oppression. Fredo is a term from The Godfather, referring to the dumb brother. Equivocating the two is pure racism."

"So any insult that gets you steamed is the equivalent of the n-word for your group. Go with that. Sure," NRO critic Kyle Smith wrote.

"The View" co-host Meghan McCain added, "However you feel about Chris Cuomo's behavior today, there's not one woman in ALL of media who could be filmed in public on an obscenity filled tirade and be supported by their network and public the way he is right now. Men get to be tough and swear, women are 'unhinged.'"

"I think the guy was being a jerk to @chriscuomo, and I certainly understand Cuomo getting pissed, but there's just no way calling someone Fredo Corleone is like the n-word. There just isn't," Ben Shapiro wrote. "That's plain nuts."

TheBlaze's Jason Howerton added, "Lmaooooo okay but the fact that his own show tweeted 'Fredo' makes his case that it's like the N-word a little less convincing."

Former NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch wrote, "Words that are as bad as the N word, according to Cuomo: - Fredo - Fake news."

Former White House staffer Steven Cheung added, "So @ChrisCuomo says that 'Fredo'— a character on The Godfather— is the same as the n-word? Equating the two is the very definition of white privilege and diminishes the generations of hate African Americans have had to endure."

The DC Examiner's T. Becket Adams wrote, "Today I learned that 'Fredo' is 'like the N-word' for people of Italian descent, according to Chris Cuomo, who also once said that 'fake news' is 'the equivalent of the N-word for journalists.'"

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