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'Two faced' Dan Rather rips Republicans for 'vulgarity' of 'Let's Go Brandon' chant; gives Democrats a pass for shouting 'F*** Donald Trump' from the rooftops
Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images (left); Photo by David Cliff/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images (right, redacted)

'Two faced' Dan Rather rips Republicans for 'vulgarity' of 'Let's Go Brandon' chant; gives Democrats a pass for shouting 'F*** Donald Trump' from the rooftops

It may not be accurate any more to define Dan Rather as a leftist in journalist's clothing since the ex-CBS News anchor — who turned in his notepad in disgrace after infamously using unverified documents in a 2004 report on then-President George W. Bush's National Guard service — seemingly has shuffled off all semblance of non-bias.

What now?

With the rise of the "Let's Go Brandon" chant as a comical way of raining down F-bomb criticism on President Joe Biden without actually using profanity, Rather apparently couldn't take the insult any more.

At the moment, leftist keyboard warriors are foaming at the mouth as they call for the head of a Southwest pilot who dared utter the phrase at the end of a flight — and Rather penned with co-author Elliot Kirschner a Substack essay titled "A Party Embraces Vulgarity."

The shamelessly partisan piece asserts that the "Let's Go Brandon" phrase is "about much more than political passion or anger. It's about weaponizing the vulgar dehumanization of our entire democratic — small d — experiment." Wow. Who knew?

He then leaps to Biden's defense, saying he's "not only a person; he is the President of the United States, whether your tinfoil-shrouded conspiracy brain cares to recognize that fact or not. How many times have we heard Republicans sanctimoniously preach about how Democrats don't 'respect' the office of the presidency for such things as President Obama not saluting properly or wearing a tan suit?"

At this point all fair-minded readers — even if they despise former President Donald Trump — are wondering how Rather will handle the years of profanity-rich anger aimed at Trump by celebrities and everyday folks alike.

Well, allow ol' Dan to oblige:

To be sure, many Democrats have said some form of "F- Donald Trump." There was even a rap song to that effect. We all have a right to free speech. But when Republican elected representatives say "Let's go Brandon" to end a speech on the House floor, like Bill Posey, a Republican from Florida did, or wear a "Let's go Brandon" facemask, like South Carolina Republican Jeff Duncan did, or when Ted Cruz can't get enough of it, something else is going on. This is a movement that has engulfed the party, and party leaders think they can use it to effectively rally their voters. The sad truth is that they are likely right.

Did you catch Rather's one-sentence defense of Democrats who did the same thing Biden-haters are doing now? "We all have a right to free speech." That's it. That's the quote.

Rather fails to mention that John Burton, former chairman of the California Democratic Party, in 2017 ended his term in office by sticking up both middle fingers and saying, "F*** Donald Trump" — to smiles, cheers, and laughter.

Content warning: Profanity:

He also fails to mention the infamous words of U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) on her first day in office in 2019: "We're gonna impeach the motherf***er!"

Oh well.

But Rather isn't done demonizing the GOP:

The hypocrisy is stunning. This is the political party that had a Republican candidate for governor of Virginia run an ad featuring a mother (who just happens to be a Republican activist) talk about how her son's apparently innocent sensibilities were offended when he was assigned Toni Morrison's classic novel Beloved in his high school's AP English class. Learning about the horrors of slavery and the Black experience in America? No, we have to protect our youth from that. But having your six your [sic] old hear grown men and women use one of the vilest words in the English language to attack the president at a sporting event? That's apparently patriotic free speech. And a hoot at that.

Rather then says the "Let's Go Brandon" chant "perfectly encapsulates the rot and unseriousness of the Republican party — like the smart-alec in the classroom who adds nothing but juvenile taunts and distractions. And let's be honest, it isn't just this chant. Go back to the T-shirts sold at Trump rallies in 2016 and what they said about Hillary Clinton, or for that matter the merchandise showcased at Trump rallies today."

He also refers to the "Let's Go Brandon" chant as "grotesque" and to Trump — and his base — as "fueled by bigotry, misogyny, sanctimony, privilege, unseriousness, flippancy, and ignorance."

A little experiment

Rather's piece concludes with a paragraph one might argue is sufficiently tone-deaf to allow readers to easily replace "Donald Trump" with "Joe Biden" in the first sentence and "Let's go Brandon?" with "F*** Donald Trump?" in the second-to-last sentence, and making it all ring just a little bit truer:

"This is Donald Trump allowing the basest of human instincts to triumph over reason," the paragraph reads. "It is a party that marches, in almost lockstep, under a banner of misplaced victimhood, of vilifying those who are different, of denying the truth, and having the chutzpah — fueled by privilege — to announce a hateful ignorance to the world with raw vulgarity, or the meekest fig leaf of innuendo. Let's go Brandon? How about let's go America?"

How are folks reacting?

It appears those who regularly read Rather's writing on Substack and on social media are more or less in love with the leftist pundit — and they indeed love his latest shot across the bow.

But others took to Twitter to call out Rather for leaving out inconvenient facts that underscore his own hypocrisy:

  • "I am an anti-Trump former Republican but mostly conservative. How is [actor Robert] DeNero saying 'F*** Trump' and getting a standing ovation from Hollywood elites different than a bunch of inbred NASCAR fans chanting 'F*** Joe Biden," one commenter wrote. "Isn't it the same thing?"
  • "Good call Dan; it's not like Democrats spent 4 years saying 'F*** Trump' to anybody who would listen," another user noted. "It's weird, I can't find any articles from you condemning that behavior. It's almost like you're a 2 faced idiot."
  • "Dan, you are smarter than this," another commenter said. "The rub here is that the MEDIA tried to protect the president by reporting the first F Joe Biden chant as Let's Go Brandon. It was an OBVIOUS whitewash and offensive to ppl in reality. CONs have now used it to emphasize media bias, etc. Take the L."
  • "That's cute. Hey, remember when the left praised Kathy Griffin for holding up a severed Trump head? Where was your article then? What about respect for the office then?" another user asked. "Lololol what a JOKE of a party you choose to back."

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Dave Urbanski

Dave Urbanski

Sr. Editor, News

Dave Urbanski is a senior editor for Blaze News.
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